This is an annotation of Dunkelzahn's Last Will and Testament.
It covers the exact text of his public bequests, descriptions and references to those bequests, and their disposition, if known.
The entries have the following format:
Text of Bequest |
Explanation of item, disposition of item. |
References to item. |
And now, a word from Dunkelzahn.
I Dunkelzahn ... |
To Nadja Daviar, my faithful translator and assistant, keeper of my hopes and dreams for the future, who spoke for me to millions around the world, I leave the bulk of my estate, save for those items named in this will. I name Nadja Daviar the executor of my estate and Chairman of the Draco Foundation, in which capacity she will appoint a board of trustees to oversee the execution of this will in accordance with my wishes. |
Nadja Daviar was born in Estonia in 2014, and spent most of her formative years in an orphanage. There is a five year gap in the records after she left the orphanage-suspected to be either the results of the Crash of '29 or skillful background manipulation. Daviar next appeared in Prague in 2035, with a comfortable level of wealth (source unknown), which allowed her to socialize and travel throughout Europe. In 2039, Dunkelzahn and Daviar met at an art show in Paris, a meeting which quickly set the stage for Daviar becoming DUnkelzahn;s translator and "voice" on his trid show "Wyrm Talk." Daviar continued in this capacity for Dunkelzahn for 18 years, and was his campaign manager in the 2057 elections. After Dunkelzahn's assassination, Daviar was appointed Vice President of the UCAS by President Kyle Haeffner. She also created the Draco Foundation, in accordance with Dunkelzahn's wishes, and continued as Chairperson of that body. Davier dissapeared during the Coup in 2065. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, System Failure, Dunkelzahn: the Mass-Media Dragon, Stranger Souls, Clockwork Asylum, Beyond the Pale. |
To Akira Kageyama, I leave my Vancouver condoplex and the monies in the trust fund established in his name. |
Akira Kageyama is the son of a Japanese pop singer who claimed to have been impregnated by a dragon. Akira does possess certain unusual attributes which may lend credence to this. Kageyama was also a financial consultant to a number of companies, and one of Dunkelzahn's Watchers. He also received the Fourth Coin of Luck as a secret bequest. The Vancouver condoplex was apparently built by Dunkelzahn on a whim in the 2050's, after he read in a Chinese storybook that dragons are supposed to live in crystal palaces under the sea. The condoplex is indeed under the sea, and made entirely of glass. Kelvin, the master craftsman who made the glass for the condoplex, became a master mage after the Awakening and combined his skills. They say he managed to fuse his essence with the glass, living on in the walls of the crystal palace in astral form. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Tails You Lose |
After much research and hundreds of bags of burned Nuke-and-Pop, I leave 20 million nuyen to the holder of the patent for the twentieth-century process that produced popcorn capable of being popped over an open flame (this dragon’s method of choice). I believe it was called Speedy Pop, or Quick Pop, or something similar. The patent holder must use this money to renew the patent and resume production. |
To those unfamiliar with the concept, you can go out and buy these little pans full of corn kernels that you hold over an open flame (or for some people, a stove top) and watch it pop. Wether they're more likely to burn than microwaveable popcorn, I do not know. This may be an indication of Dunkelzahn's control over his fiery breath...most dragons have to make do with point-and-roast. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
Because we who occupy the physical world do not live here alone, the Draco Foundation is directed to establish the Astral Space Preservation Society. The goals of the ASPS are as follows: to monitor potential abuses of astral space and its denizens; to protect the rights of denizens of astral space; to establish a set of parameters that will facilitate a working relationship between spirits and metahumanity; and finally, to create a sanctuary in astral space for beings in search of a safe retreat. The ASPS will be administered by the Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research (DIMR) in cooperation with any and all free spirits interested in joining this project. |
The ASPS was organized by Daviar and the Draco Foundation. Unlike other organizations created by the Draco Foundation, the ASPS is sponsored mainly by the great dragon Hestaby. While nominally under the administration of the DIMR, the ASPS is a much more independant entity...if such can be said of any group taking a great dragon's cred. It needs be said, that some of the goals, such as a sanctuary in astral space for safe retreat, of the ASPS would be very valuable when the Horrors come again. As of 2064, the society is headed by a Balinese anima called Ibu Air, and are widely believed to have created one or more astral sanctuaries; although the exact location is unknown. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dragons of the Sixth World, Loose Alliances |
To VisionCrafters, I leave the sum of 20 million nuyen for research into advanced optics. |
The uses of advanced optics are many. Just off the top of my head, I can imagine greater line-of-sight for magicians and the unusual optical properties of Leonardo's deck. |
Portfolio fo a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
For research into magical phenomena considered dangerous to (meta)humanity, such as the foveae in Aztlan and the recent tragedy in Chicago, I leave 4 million nuyen, to be administered by the Draco Foundation. |
The fovae in Aztlan are spots of basically no mana, possibly similiar to mana warp areas, which have been suggested by some to be side-effects of the pervasive blood magic used in that country. The "tragedy in Chicago" refers both to the massive infestation of insect spirits, the small tactical nuclear weapon used to destroy the main hive, and the subsequent creation of the Containment Zone. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Markus Dammembaum, I leave a small token of my esteem, to be distributed by the Draco Foundation. |
There are nine tokens throughout the Will, each of which go to someone who voted for one of the particular candidates by mailing in the card to FASA. The winners got lots of cool stuff, including a signed stock certificate for one share in a given SR company, such as the Atlantean Foundation or Saeder-Krupp(Mike Mulvihill signed it as Lowfyr!) |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
For the establishment of the Ancient Wisdom Fund for Education, I leave 10 million nuyen. This fund will offer scholarships to students in scientific and technological fields, and will be administered by a board of trustees appointed by the Draco Foundation. |
The Ancient Wisdom Fund for Education might be connected to the Ancient Wisdom channel, a sort of Shadowrun magic-oriented Discovery Channel. It's interesting that these scholarships are for scientific and technological fields, rather than archeology or magic. There might be a message there. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
I offer ownership of the First Key of Power to the government of either Tir Tairngire or Tír na nÓg, whichever nation first publicly discloses the complete personal histories of all of its high government officials. This disclosure must be supervised by the Draco Foundation in accordance with my instructions. Speratemel rel timaan perest? Hellon Sperethiel. |
A translation of the Sperethiel means "Communication is for all to have. Share the language." This is a rough translation, so no I don't know why the original text has a question mark in it. The First Key of Power is a magical artifact of some potency, both Tirs have offerred substantial compensation for its recovery. Please see the Artifact Index for more speculation. Although the offer has been renewed annually, neither Tir has yet gone through with the steps necessary to obtain the key, and many think this is Dunkelzahn's little trick. It's owrth noting that the Unseelie COurt of Tír na nÓg tried to make a claim by publishing such biographies, but the Draco Foundation insisted that they must be done officially. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Shadows of Europe |
To Aden, I leave the Shroud of Shadows. May its shade cool the heat of your desert home as well as the tempers that flare around it. |
Aden is possessed of a fierce temper, and was disinclined to accept this item, both due to its nature and because of how Dunkelzahn flouted draconic culture with this Will. Still, when it was delivered to him, Aden would not keep it and couldn't let others have it, so he stuck it in the ruins of a mosque in what was left of Tehran (which Aden had destroyed some time earlier for declaring a jihad on the Awakened). The Shroud became a piece of contest in the 2062 Rite of SUccession. For more on the Shroud's specific powers, please see the Artifact Index. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dragons of the Sixth World, Survival of the Fittest |
In order to reduce the number of innocent bystanders who die each day as a result of security officers firing on criminals, I leave a five-pound brick of orichalcum to either Lone Star or Knight Errant, whichever first develops an inexpensive, effective, non-lethal stun technology accurate at 100 meters. |
Lone Star and Knight Errant are the two main, and ferociously competitive, security forces in North America. This bequest is likely to increase that rivalry while possibly helping innocent bystanders, so Dunkelzahn may well have been playing more than one game here. Knight Errant, it should be remembered, is owned by Ares Macrotechnology, and is the personal baby of Damien Knight. Given their history, this may be another chess move between the Dragon and the Knight. Just for reference, a 5-pound brick of orichalcum is an impressive sum, even if it's made out of unrefined natural orichalcum (although the exact composition is unknown.) |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
In memory of John Timmons, my first voice to the people of the 21st century who died because of hatred and misunderstanding, I leave 12 million nuyen to create the John Timmons Memorial Foundation for the Advancement of Equality. This organization, headed by a board to be appointed by my executor, will advance the cause of equal rights for all peoples, regardless of physical appearance, beliefs or origin. |
John Timmons was Dunkelzahn's first translator, a young black divinity student who was in Denver when Dunkelzahn awoke. Timmons preached for tolerance and acceptance in Protestant churches throughout North America, using his notereity as the dragon's mouthpiece to get his message across. Timmons was assassinated by a head-shot in 2022 while in the presence of Dunkelzahn, who promptly reduced the gunman to his component atoms in a particularly fiery display. Dunkelzahn came under question more than once about why he didn't prevent the attack or heal the wounded Timmons(who nearly survived on his own), but Dunkelzahn remained quiet on the matter. Rumors say Timmons was ready to break with the dragon and reveal all. Dunkelzahn apparently specified Anne Pennchyk, a female ork and running mate to General Franklin Yeats, to head up the Memorial Fund, a position she accepted. Very shortly after accepting the position, Penchyk brought in her womens'-rights group, the Empowerment Coalition, in under the Timmons' Memorial Fund, and has stated her aim for the Timmons' Memorial Fund to become an umbrella organization for various pro-Awakened/metahuman rights groups, such as Mothers of Metahumans, the American Association for the Advancement of Thaumaturgy, and the National Association for the Advancement of Awakened People. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dunkelzahn: the Mass-Media Dragon |
To NewsNet I leave 2 million nuyen for an investigation into the circumstances of my death (whatever they may be) and the production of a comprehensive documentary on the events surrounding my demise. |
NewsNet being a major news broadcaster. It's possible the introductory story to Portfolio of a Dragon is a sample of this documentary. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Lorelei Angel, whose voice is like that of the stars, I know from our conversations that you have no further need for wealth. So I leave 3 million nuyen to be donated in your name to the charity of your choice. |
Lorelai Angel is a Phoinex shaman and a rocker, one of those rare few magicians who focus on music. She highlights her show with illusions. Magicians really dig checking out musicians on the astral, especially if the musician has a touch of Talent themselves. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Awakenings |
For the study of magic in all its aspects, I earmark 100 million nuyen for establishing the DIMR. The Draco Foundation will appoint a management team, to consist of one member from each of the following: MIT&T, the Atlantean Foundation, the Native American nations, Tír na nÓg, the University of Chicago, the universities competing in southern California and the People’s University in Berkeley, the Lagenzell Institute, the Oxford Royal College of Magicians, and my old friend Ehran, also known as the Scribe. |
The Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research was founded by the Draco FOundation, and it seems likely the DF retains some influence over it. It is assumed the management team was filled, certainly Ehran the Scribe took his place. The other choices are interesting: a number of colleges that focus on magic, such as MIT&T, the University of Chicago (a shadow of itself following the events in Chiacgo, but with a certain hands-one experience), the very liberal People's University of Berkeley, and the universities competing in SOuthern California (again, who have a rather hands-on experience with magical damage). Others are magic-and-ecology-oriented nations, such as the Native American Nations and Tír na nÓg, or powerful magical organizations, such as the Oxford Royal COllege of Magicians (first mentioned here) and the Atlantean Foundation. The oddball is the mysterious Lagenzell Institute. Ehran the Scribe earned himself a few enemies taking this position, as few of his fellow elves like to see him dealing with wyrms. The DIMR has begun a number of archeological digs and research projects, with subjects including the Voids in Chicago and the archaelogical digs in Latvia were imps were first reported. Despite having a member on the management team, the individual consituents, such the Atlantean Foundation, tend to fight tooth and nail with the DIMR over choice finds. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Target: UCAS, Threats 2, Loose Alliances |
For purposes of research, I leave my body to the Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research. |
Unfortunately, Dunkelzahn's death left no body to commit research upon. C'est le vit. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Yakashima Technologies, I leave the sum of 150 million nuyen, to be used for biotechnology research and the development of products to benefit the people of the world. |
Yakashima Technologies is an AA Japanacorp focusing on hostile takeovers, with a decided anti-metahuman, pro-unAwakened Japanese human bias. Their aquisitions include Biogene Technologies and Farm-the-Sea, Inc. Biogene in particular was bought out from under Aztechnology's nose, and is a likely reason for Dunkelzahn's bequest: Biogene was responsible for considerable progress in metagene research, including genetic chimerae of human and animal DNA. As of 2063, Yakashima/Biogene has been working on making edible synthetic flesh for ghouls, in order to score another of Dunkelzahn's bequests, but has faced a setback due to corporate espionage. Universal Omnitech in Seattle was also researching a synthetic flesh for ghouls. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Man And Machine: Cyberware, New Seatle, State of the Art: 2063 |
To Aithne Oakforest, I leave the Rose Crystal, in hopes of soothing old wounds and healing the rifts they have caused. |
Aithne Oakforest is a Prince of Tir Tairngire, a former member of the Council of Princes, and an Immortal Elf. The Rose Crystal is an artifact of particular signifigance to Immortal Elves, and perhaps Aithne in particular, who still bears mental scars regarding the Blood Wood. For more on the Rose Crystal, please see the Artifact Index |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the first party that develops a species of plant hardy enough to flourish in and eventually clean the smog-choked atmosphere of such cities as Tenochtitlán, I leave 20 million nuyen. |
Tenochtitlán is infamous for its air pollution (the populace requires special breathers to filter the air). Hestaby has offered to match the sum of this bequest, and possesses an interest in Starfield Botanical Engineering, a small CAS firm working on engineering this plant as well as the underwater cacti for another of Dunkelzahn's bequests. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dragons of the Sixth World |
I leave 100,000 nuyen for each of the following people to be rescued from the Chicago Containment Zone: James Delany, Dr. Edward Oden, Gregory Armtwister, Protacio Corcoran, Katherine Sitsu and Sissel McCarthy. |
When the Cermak Blast happpened in Chicago and the Containment Zone was formed, a number of people were trapped inside with the insect spirits. The signifigance of these individuals is unknown. Assets Inc. managed to rescue Oden and Sitsu, and confirmed that Corcoran is dead. Dr. Oden occupies the chair for the University of Chiacgo on the board of the DIMR. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Loose Alliances |
To Brock Higginbotham, I leave my controlling interest in the Pleasure Dome Hotel in Palm Springs, CFS, on the condition that he stay at Ubehebe Crater in the Mojave Desert from one full moon to the next. |
The identity of Brock Higginbotham is unknown, as is the relative merit of the Pleasure Dome Hotel in Palm Springs. The Ubehebe Crater, however, is a particularly inhospitable location in the Mojave, combining lack of water and food with exceptional heat during the day, freezing cold at night, and constant spirit activity. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Alamais, I leave the fruitcake we have exchanged every Christmas since 2020. Unlike you, I’m really dead. |
Alamaise and Dunkelzahn played a draconic game of "tag," testing each other's resources by delivering each other a fruitcake on Christmas. Alamaise was rumored to be dead for a few years at the time Dunkelzahn died, the result of being hit with military-grade laser weapons. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dragons of the Sixth World |
To the party who finds the bones of the dragon skeleton for which I possess the head, I offer two options. You may keep the bones, or turn them over to the Draco Foundation for a reward. All discoveries must be independently verified as dragon bones, such identification to be made by any living dragon. The Draco Foundation will assemble all pieces of the skeleton it receives and display the result in the Smithsonian Institution for the edification of the general public. My admittedly incomplete research indicates the following coordinates as likely locations for dragon bones: Latitude 41°, Longitude 121°; Latitude 41° 50n, Longitude 87° 45w; Latitude 47° 21n, Longitude 122° 12w; Latitude 19° 24n, Longitude 99° 9w; Latitude 65°, Longitude 130°; Latitude 39° 44n, Longitude 104° 59w. |
There is no indication of which dragon's skeleton this might be; the great dragon All-Wings had her remains dismembered and cast throughout the land, but that was far from North America unless Dunkelzahn and Ghostwalker brought the pieces with them. In any event, the coordinates have been plotted on a GPS, giving approximate locations.
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Amy Park, I leave the title to the Buhne Building, in appreciation for the best burgers in the California Free State. |
The H.H. Buhne Building is an historic waterfront structure in California, which would have been just over a hundred and fifty years old in 2057. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
[This following paragraph is to be placed in the public-access area of the Matrix.] ATTENTION! To any and all persons capable of discovering "where a Rock meets the Sky," the 2 million nuyen, amulets and weapons at that place are yours for the keeping provided that you accomplish the task described in the enclosed datachips within 1 year of my demise. The anime will accompany you to make sure the job is done properly. Because this endeavor is of special personal interest to me, I have taken numerous precautions to assure its completion. |
No one has yet determined "Where a Rock meets the Sky," although speculation has placed it as Lookout Mountain, UCAS; Denali, Athabascan Council; somewhere in Tibet; and the western mountains of China. A current favorite is Sagan Zaba (White Rock) in Yakut. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Shadows of Asia |
To Ryumyo, the first of our kind to be seen in this modern age, I leave my envy at stealing my chance to be the very first dragon as well as the Ring Ouroboros, since it is the early bird who catches the wyrm. |
The Wyrm Ouroboros was a serpent/dragon eating it's own tail, a symbol of infinity (or balance) in European culture, myth and mysticism. It is particularly potent symbolism with regards to Ryumyo, who is attempting to use geomancy to claim the Ring of Fire. It's also a handy shape for a ring, when you think about it. It appears as though it might be dragon-sized; when Ryumyo's servant Jurojin arrived to pick it up he left with a crate several meters across. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dragons of the Sixth World |
I leave 1 million nuyen to any group or individual who ensures the safe return of Mary-Beth Tyre to her home. Mary-Beth was kidnapped April 30, 2051, just after her sixth birthday. She was last seen in Roanoke, Virginia. Her survival is critical. |
Mary-Beth Tyre was kidnapped when she was six years old and subjected to neglect, abuse, and slavery. In 2060 she was rescued by Talon and Assets, Inc. from an insect shaman that sought to invest her with a Queen spirit. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Loose Alliances, Crossroads |
To any person born on December 8, 1980: present yourself to the Draco Foundation at any time, and the Foundation will grant you one wish. This century should mourn for the losses of that century. |
December 8th, 1980 is the date John Lennon was murdered. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
In the name of the Misguided Six, I give 250,000 nuyen to establish a fund to assist victims of magical crimes, as well as their families and loved ones. |
I'm afraid I have no idea who the Misguided Six are. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
I leave 500,000 nuyen to the American Association for the Advancement of Thaumaturgy, to educate the public about the nature of magic. Magic and science are equal parts of humanity’s heritage, and there need be no quarrel between them. |
The AAAT sets all legal standards for magical practices in the UCAS. It is the avowed aim of Anne Pennchyk to fold it under the "umbrella" of the Timmons' Memorial Fund. |
Protfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Robert J. Hemedes, I leave a small token of my esteem, to be distributed by the Draco Foundation. |
Robert Hemedes was on ShadowRN for a time, and is one of the token winners. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To any person who can prove he or she shook hands with John F. Kennedy, present yourself to the Draco Foundation at any time, and the Foundation will grant you one wish. He seemed like a nice person. |
I can't help but wonder if he had someone specific in mind when he included this. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Beatrice Wilder of Paris, I leave my mountain retreat at Rikon, near Zurich. May it give you the solitude you seek. |
Beatrice Wilder was one of Dunkelzahn's Watchers. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To any person who possesses a ticket stub to Maria Mercurial’s only foray into country music, performed at My Brother’s Place in the Nashville sprawl: present yourself to the Draco Foundation at any time, and the Foundation will grant you one wish. I believe the saying is, be careful what you wish for—you may well get it. |
Maria Mercurial was, of course, one of the most popular singer/musicians in early Shadowrun. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Robert Khamdeng, I leave the Weeping Stone of Ta’bel and the optical chip labeled "BK-924" found in the second drawer of my writing desk at my residence in Toronto. |
While generally agreed that Dunkelzahn is referring to Robert "Dr. Bob" Khamdeng, some hold the view that this bequest goes to Kham the Ork. Khamdeng is a human DocWagon employee who won a Humanitarian award over a decade ago for his good works. Robert Khamdeng did go to a few Humanis Policlub meetings, but isn't interested or affiliated with that group. The Weeping Stone of Ta'bel is an artifact; for more information please see the Artifact Index. The contents of the optical chip are unknown. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Sean Laverty, I leave my estate in Tir Tairngire. The garden there is quite beautiful and I hope that it will remain so. |
Dunkelzahn's estate in Tir Tairngire gave rise to the false impression that two great dragons sat on the Council of Princes, Sean Laverty, an Immortal Elf, is famed for his own magnificent gardens in Tir Tairngire. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To George "Locomotive" Fenamore, wherever he is at present, I sadly bequeath the locked steel box number 412 from my private vault at the Manhattan Citibank Depository. The box is not to be opened until he deems it absolutely necessary, or until my comrade manages to successfully "survive" another Double Tuesday. I pray the darkness ends for you someday. |
I have no idea who George "Locomotive" Fenamore is or what's in the box, but I think "Double Tuesday" is a sports term. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the executor of my will, Nadja Daviar, I grant full disposition of the other fifteen boxes marked for George Fenamore, or his descendants, should any of them ever ask. If not, upon your own demise, they are to be summarily destroyed UNOPENED in the main microwave blast furnace of Bethlehem Steel, Pa. |
I still have no idea what's in the boxes. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Bethlehem Steel, I leave 2 million nuyen for the purpose of the immediate destruction of fifteen steel boxes, UNOPENED, when and if they are delivered to the main furnace crew boss, and the additional amount of 500,000 nuyen to the crew boss as danger money to be distributed to his crew in the event of injuries resulting from this task. If the task is accomplished without mishap, the crew boss may keep the full amount or disburse it as he wishes. |
Still don't know what are in the damn boxes. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Alachia, I leave the Everliving Flower. I have no more use for it. |
Alachia is an Immortal Elf involved in both Tirs, and the history between her, Dunkelzahn, and the Everliving Flower go back to the 4th Age. For more on the Everliving Flower, please see the Artifact Index. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the first party to develop a self-motivational robotic unit that meets the specifications laid out by the Draco Foundation, I leave 10 million nuyen for continued research. |
This sounds like it would require Artificial Intelligence. As far as I know, it has not yet been claimed. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To David Lloyd Ford, I leave 2.5 million nuyen, to be used to continue his ministry. May such faith always enlighten the world. |
David Lloyd Ford, the founder of Fordianism, wants everyone to love and care for one another and make Jamaica an example of interracial harmony the world over. He's been beaten and imprisoned for his beliefs, but refuses to speak up against those who oppose him. He's also willing to take care of HMHVV-positive metahumans. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Cyberpirates! |
To Buttercup of Yamatetsu Corporation, I leave my complete collection of comic books with respect for our mutual appreciation of the art form. Not manga, I know, but you could stand to develop a taste for some of the classics, my dear. |
Buttercup is a free spirit and major shareholder of Yamatetsu Corporation, who takes the form of a 19-year-old Japanese girl. Dunkelzahn and Buttercup had dealings in the past over the free spirit's cavalier attitude towards metahumanity, but appear to be getting along better. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Casey Williams, I leave 4 million nuyen. Good hunting! |
Casey Williams is a board member of the Atlantean Foundation; an organization which conducts archeological expeditions, nominally in search of Atlantis. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the first one thousand SINless metahumans to show up at the Seattle offices of the Draco Foundation at 10:00 a.m. on the 12th of October, 2058, I bequeath one valid SIN apiece. |
A metahumanitarian gesture, perhaps. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Dr. Miles Swinburne, I leave my antique tarot deck. May you benefit from the insights it can offer you. |
Dr. Miles Swinburne was an influential scholar who helped shape early Hermetic magic and theory, which are still in use in the 2060's. Dr. Swinburne suffered injuries during the Euro-Wars however, which devestated his magical abilities. Indeed, he had long considered himself a complete burn-out. While non-magical, the antique Tarot card set triggered Swinburne's latent remaining magical abilities. With the help of the Shadowrunner Talon, Swinburne overcame his self-imposed mental block and was able to regain the use of the magics he had thought lost to him in the war. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Captain Chaos, I leave the encrypted file JackBNimble. Whatever rewards it reveals are yours. I had no success trying to decrypt this thing, but I’ve always believed it contained some communication from another world. Of course, I could be wrong. I’ve also notified the Draco Foundation to provide for your well-being in the event the file deals you a debilitating injury. |
During the events of the Crash 2.0, the encryption on the JackBNimble file failed, and the program ran itself. The program appeared to "save" Captain Chaos and other deckers during the Crash 2.0, then dissapeared. This does not, of course, mean JackBNimble might not be a communication from another world (a bit of a tip of the hat to William Gibson, perhaps). |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, System Failure |
To the Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research, I leave one year’s worth of talon clippings. |
All parts of a great dragon are suitable as telesma for foci, but they also serve as ritual links to the dragon and thus parts of themselves that are shed, such as toenail clippings, are kept, destroyed, or consumed. The toenail clippings of a great dragon are also worth a substantial amount of money, at 100,000 nuyen each, one year's worth of clippings is worth 36.5 million nuyen. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Mothers of Metahumans, I leave 1 million nuyen to continue their valuable work in promoting social acceptance of metahuman children born to human parents. By loving and accepting your different offspring, you have shown wisdom that all of us would do well to emulate. |
MOM is one of the better metahuman rights groups out there. Ann Penchyk wants to fold them under the umbrella of the Timmons' Memorial Fund. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Noriaki Ikeda, I leave a small token of my esteem, to be distributed by the Draco Foundation. |
Another token winner. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Carla Brooks, my skilled security advisor and aide, I leave the dagger Wyrmstooth along with the sum of 5 million nuyen. I hope you will continue to serve my estate as well as you served me. |
The woman formerly in charge of Dunkelzahn's own security, and now in charge of that of his estate, Carla Brooks is an extremely skilled proffesional. The dagger Wyrmstooth is an ivory dagger, similiar to certain other artifacts. For more information, please see the Artifact Index. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Clockwork Asylum |
To Eddie Samuelson, I leave the deeds to my La Bella Italia restaurants in New York, Prince Edward Island and Lake Louise. Thanks for picking up the tab one last time. |
Eddie Samuelson is unknown. Perhaps Dunkelzahn was simply paying back a debt. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Darius Vemizelos, curator, and Scholar Zaimis Kaphandaris of the Crete Occult Museum, I leave steel box number 212, which contains the ancient bronze blade that I have dubbed The Spear of Destiny. Whether or not that name applies is for them to prove. Or disprove. Personally, I have never quite had the time to find out. |
As the seat of at least one major Bronze-Age culture, and furthermore as a land deep in myth and magic, the Crete Occult Museum might be the ideal place to study an ancient, possibly magical, possibly mythical blade. The historical Spear of Destiny was the one used to kill Christ on Gologtha; whether this is the same blade as that is unknown. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To further encourage an end to the use of blood magic by Aztechnology and other parties, I offer a bounty of 1 million nuyen on any blood mages captured alive and delivered to the Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research for the purposes of studying the effects of blood magic use on metahumanity. I further authorize the Draco Foundation to provide suitable rewards for the receipt of verifiable accounts of blood magic use, the rewards to reflect the usefulness of the information provided. |
The Azzies complained about this bequest, but President Haeffner said he couldn't outlaw the bounty. The Draco Foundation is rumored to put of a "Most Wanted" list for potential bounty hunters, rather than having every Jane Shadowrunner drag in the corpus of any mage or shaman they run across. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Wuxing, Incorporated, I leave the sum of 200 million nuyen per our previous agreement. |
This influx of cash, along with the other items that Wuxing received in Dunkelzahn's Will, and with the fall of Fuchi, enabled Wuxing to work their way onto the Corporate Court as a AAA megacorp. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Corporate Download, Shadowrun Fourth Editon |
To Yee Chan, I leave the Tome of Terrin. |
Yee Chan is an ork, a powerful shaman, and the master of the Golden Acorn Society, a temple and school for adepts in Chico-Oroville. Recently, he has been smuggling weapons, foci and telesma to resistance groups in Oakland and Berekely via the Golden Dragon Triad. The contents of the Tome of Terrin include secret martial arts techniques. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Loose Alliances |
To Damien Knight, I leave my antique chess set, except for the black king piece. I hope you find another worthy opponent. It was only 60 seconds, old friend, but what a ride! |
Dunkelzahn and Damien Knight played chess together, and Knight was an extremely skilled player. Damien Knight and Dunkelzahn also worked together to facilitate the Nanosecond Buyout, a 60-second series of stock exchanges that left Damien Knight and Dunkelzahn (through his company Gavilian Ventures) as major shareholders of Ares Macrotechnology. This bequest is also a reflection of the changing fortunes of Ares Macrotechnology, as the black king piece was given to Leonard Aurelius. Aurelius' daughter Eve stole the piece in order to play a game of chess with Knight, mainly to irk her father. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Blood in the Boardroom |
To Gaeatronics’ Seattle laboratories, I leave 250 million nuyen for the purpose of research into Dr. Dawn Crowfeather’s treatise, "On the Relationship between Mana and Nuclear Energy." |
The relationship between mana and nuclear is a little spotty in Shadowrun. Gaeatronics is a corporation focused on clean power production, and are perhaps ideal for seeing the problems nuclear fission and fusion power plants have on the manascape. Dr. Crowfeather's paper may or may not have helped create the Radiation Shield and Radiation Barrier spells. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Shadows of Asia |
To Darrick Erding, I leave the Banner of the Red Dragon out of respect for his heritage. Use it well. |
This was an old SR PC on ShadowRN (played by Erik Jameson), a son of Welsh Kings who had an "incident" with a red dragon. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the corporations and governments of the world, I leave the formula for an infant vaccination that should be administered to all children born after 31 October 2060. |
The vaccination was made based on compounds and enzymes found in dragon blood. Those who developed the vaccination believed they were imparting increased longevity to their children, while others (like Lofwyr) believed DUnkelzahn was attempting to create a new draconic servitor race. According to one of the leading researchers, the vaccine may have resulted in a new metatype, and the date was critical, as the mana level had to be high enough for the vaccine to activate. The vaccine was destroyed before it could be distributed by a raid of Humanis Policlubbers, who were indirect pawns of Lofwyr. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, The Forever Drug |
To Dr. Alan Gordon, I leave my First Folio edition of Al Azif. Use it well, when and if you must. |
Dr. Alan Gordon was a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Thaumaturgy who specialized in astral space and the metaplanes. He also went insane and was confined in a mental institution for a time. When released from the institution, Gordon continued on an ambitious project to map the metaplanes...a project in which he was partially successful. Dr. Gordon died in 2060 after helping Talon, a former pupil of his, and most of his metaplanar map was destroyed. For the Al-Azif, please see the Artifact Index. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Crossroads |
To the first party to identify the victim in the accompanying photo and bring his five perpetrators to justice, I leave the access codes to my property in Paris. The Draco Foundation will release the codes upon receipt and verification of a complete account of the investigation, including the fate of the victim and the perpetrators. |
The photo is reproduced below. ![]() |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Ehran the Scribe, I leave my library of rare first editions, including my Shakespeare folios. |
Ehran the Scribe is very fond of a good book. Some have implied that this bequest is proof that Ehran was the Bard of Avon, but I reserve judgement until further evidence comes to light. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Juan Atzcapotzalco of Aztechnology, I leave the contents of the sealed box held in trust at the Houston Premier Bank. It must be opened on the first day of the next Festival de Muertos to occur in Aztlan (though legally banned, we both know the festival still occurs). I swear on my name that the box and its contents pose no danger to you or Aztechnology. Do not disobey these instructions, or the results could be most unfortunate. |
Juan Atzcapotzalco showed up, in person, and accepted the box, then dissapeared. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Universal Omnitech, I leave the sum of 120 million nuyen to continue their research in genetics and bioengineering. |
Universal Omnitech has been on the bleeding edge of bioware and genetech research for years now, and is partnered with Aztechnology. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the band Shield Wall, I leave 10 million nuyen for the completion of their rock opera, "The Mother of the Sea." |
Shield Wall is quite a famous band in Shadowrun. They completed their rock opera "Mother of the Sea" in 2062, despite heavy difficulties (including a 3-year recovery period from a near-fatal car crash for one band member). It was rated number two on the list of Top Ten Albums of 2062. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, State of the Art:2063 |
To Federated Boeing, the land and mineral rights to the volcanic island that will erupt 301 kilometers due west of Petrolia on October 3rd, 2060. |
The island appeared where and when Dunkelzahn claimed it would, but appeared of little interest so Federated Boeing ignored it. DUring the Year of the Comet, Wuxing and DeBeers-Omnitech squatted on the island, which proved rich in orichalcum, until Federated Boeing drove them off. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Year of the Comet |
To Dagnaitiowki’sk’owsrin, I leave the simchip catalogued as "Epoch of Blood" located in my private vaults at VisionQuest. |
Supposedly, Dagnaitiowski'sk'owsrin is supposed to be a sasquatch sound technician who worked in a Chicago studio producing the show "Murphy's L.A.W." before the Cermak Blast. 'Epoch of Blood' is supposed to be a music (or in this case I guess, a sim recording) created by Dunkelzahn himself, expressing his own emotions and telling a story of another time and place. Whether any of that is still canon is unknown. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the United Talismonger’s Association, I leave the node NA/NOCAL/RED-0789, all associated hardware and software, and my contract for the support of Etheric Computing Services. Should UTA not have brought the Matrix Monocle onto the market by 1 January 2060, this bequest will revert to Xerxes Positive Research Tank’s Mendocino Laboratory. |
The United Talismonger's Association mainly deals with talismongering. The node appears to be located in northern California Free State, where the UTA is especially interested in managing the stands of redwoods (a potent source of telesma.) The Matrix Monocle, while sounding like a matrixtech accessory, may in fact be some sort of focus designed to hold a spell matrix like those in Earthdawn or the metamagical technique of filtering. In any event, as the date has passed, it appears that Xerxes Positive Research Tank's Mendocino Laboratory would now have access to the node, contract, and requirement to bring forth the Matrix Monocle. The Mendocino Lab also received the item know as Neptune's Net in another of Dunkelzahn's bequests. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Fionnuala O’Donnell, I leave my Chivas Regal bag full of gold pieces. (Not quite the standard, I know, but a whole potful seemed … excessive.) |
The O'Donnell's are a Dannan-Mor family in Tír na nÓg. While it appears that Dunkelzahn is playing a bit of a leprechaun here, giving any Irish person a Scotch bag must be a joke. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Helena Rossum, 10 million nuyen and my sincere apologies on the hand Fate has dealt you this time. |
Helena Rossum is the owner of KSAF, the independent news station that Dunkelzahn feeds prophetic suggestions to. The "Fate" comment may refer to these prophecies. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
In order to discourage the proliferation of toxic shamans, I offer a bounty of 1 million nuyen on any toxic shamans captured alive and delivered to the Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research for the purposes of studying the effects of toxicity on the physical and astral presence of such shamans, and how they in turn impact the physical and astral world. |
As with the bequest on blood mages, the Draco FOundation is rumored to release a "Most Wanted" list to bounty hunters. Recently, the Draco Foundation has paid off on two toxic shaman claiming to follow "Radiation" and their heavily-mutated glowpunk attendants. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, State of the Art:2064 |
Because I believe that we will not eliminate the poison of toxic shamans until we eliminate the poisons fouling the earth, I further offer substantial rewards to those parties willing and able to detoxify polluted areas across the globe. Interested parties should contact the Draco Foundation for funds and and a description of the conditions accompanying those funds. |
The Draco Foundation pays companies to clean up specific areas. Hestaby owns an interest in one such company, Harbough Detox Labs, that runs completely on rewards to clean specific areas. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dragons of the SIxth World |
To the first party to create a perpetual motion machine without the aid of magic, I leave the heretofore undiscovered notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci. |
A possible snipe at the elf Leonardo. Hestaby has an interest in a company called MechAnima working on this bequest. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dragons of the Sixth World |
To Smedley Pembrenton III, I leave the Avalon nightclub in Boston and all deeds and titles associated with it. |
Also known as "Boom," a shadowrunner in Steve Kenson's books (also reportedly a former PC in his group) and one of Dunkelzahn's Watchers |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Crossroads, Ragnarock, The Burning Time |
To Henry Higgins, I leave my bottle of Chateau Lauren 1862. A votre sante, mon ami. |
Henry Higgins was one of Dunkelzahn's Watchers |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Joseph Runk, I leave 200,000 nuyen for the express purpose of attending MIT&T, on the condition that he major in Cognitive Sciences or Thaumaturgical Studies. |
The Massachusetts Insitute of Technology and Thaumaturgy is world-reknowned for both its technical and magical programs. Of course, I have no idea who Joseph Runk is, but it seems likely he has some magical ability. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Hestaby, I leave the encryption key to my private datastore on board the Zurich Orbital Habitat. Use the knowledge you find there well, as I know that you will. |
The Great Dragon Hestaby and Dunkelzahn were on very good terms with one another. With the information and advice in this data store, Hestaby made a surprisingly good showing in the Rite of Succession. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Survival of the Fittest |
To the Randall Grant Memorial Scholarship Fund, I leave 1 million nuyen to further the education of worthy but financially deprived applicants with magical potential. |
Dr. Randall Grant was one of the first to earn a doctorate in theoretical thaumaturgy; while possessing an immense amount of occult lore, he had no magical ability. Grant's theories became an important step in the further development in magical theory. He died in 2036, appaarently assassinated by Alamos 20,000. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Inazo Aneki of Renraku, I leave the Seal of the Green Gloves, which will permit you or your proxy to enter Tibet. Use your time there as you will, but do not abuse the privilege or you will suffer for your misdeeds. |
In 2059, Inazo Aneki was assaulted in the Matrix by Deus, an assault which left his mind shattered. The Renraku Corporation used the Seal of Green Gloves to entrust Aneki in the care of a group of monks in Tibet, who began the process of healing his fractured psyche. They were partially successful by the time Aneki was called back by Renraku. For more on the Seal of Green Gloves, see the Artifact Index. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Renraku Arcology Shutdown, Brainscan, Shadows of Asia, Street Magic |
To Bob Cardino, I leave a small token of my esteem, to be distributed by the Draco Foundation. |
Another token winner. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To James Telestrian III, I leave the Gainsborough original and Shakespeare’s "The Tempest," Second Folio edition, from my collection as proof that all beauty in the world has one true source, but many outlets of expression. |
James Telestrian III is a mysterious, although apparently mortal, elf citizen of Tir Tairngire, and owner of Telestrian Industries. The reason behind this bequest is unclear, although it might have provided impetus for Telestrian "claiming" Ehran the Scribe's empty seat on the Council of Princes. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Giselda Harby, I leave my house in Myer’s Flat, together with all its defenses. |
While Giselda Harby is an unknown, Myer's Flat is a semipoular small town in California Free State. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Jane Foster, I leave you the dragon ring that you wear, a small token from an old wyrm, as well as my everlasting respect. You are indeed worthy of your heritage and I hope that you are proof of what is to come for us. |
Jane "Frosty" Foster is the illegitimate daughter of Ehran the Scribe and the pupil of Harlequin. She and Dunkelzahn met just once. A heavy platinum ring in the shape of a coiled dragon, and a power focus. It is Frosty's most treasured possession. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Harlequin, Harlequin's Back, Wyrm Talk |
To the first ghoul community to be legally recognized by the United Nations, I leave 2 million nuyen, to further understanding and tolerance of ghouls as a race and allow them to live in peace with other metahumans. |
The ghoul nation of Asamando in West Africa attempted to qualify for this bequest, but has not been recognized yet. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Cyberpirates!, Year of the Comet |
To Jill Taylor, I leave the Tradeus Manual—if you can find it. Start in Canal Park. |
Nothing is known of either Jill Taylor or the Tradeus Manual, although both are suspected to be magical. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the Tokyo Shoe nightclub in Seattle, I leave my complete first-printing collection of Godjira and related films. Long may your club roar. |
The Tokyo Shoe nightclub should not be confused with The Rubber Suit, the popular Yakuza hang-out which is decorated like a miniature Tokyo under constant assault be giant monsters and inhabited, appropriately enough, by a hearth spirit that manifests as a guy in a rubber dinosaur suit. Godjira is what we foolish Americans call Godzilla. A tip-of-the-hat from one giant fire-breathing lizard to another, I guess. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Hualpa, who has already achieved so much, I leave the Elemental Scrolls of Ak’le’ar. Though they are not our work, there is much wisdom to be learned from them. May your continued efforts to protect what others would destroy be successful. |
Hualpa received the scrolls, but entrusted them over to MIT&T for a time for study. The scrolls were stolen, and later returned to Hualpa as part of the Rite of Succession. The scrolls themselves are rumored to be the legacy of the elementalist Ak'lea'ar, said to have been a player in Steve Kenson's game. For more on the scrolls, please see the Artifact Index. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Corporate Punishment, Survival of the Fittest, Dragons of the Sixth World |
To Tan Tien Incorporated, I leave 50 million nuyen and all data relating to my experiments with direct cerebral series linkage. |
Tan Tien incorporated is an A-rated Chinese corporation that researches biotech, electronics and computer technologie. They may have a bias against magic, preferring to use paranormal animals with implants instead. Company research focuses on the brain interface; one particular facility they had in West Africa contained lab rats with data jacks...but the rats carried satyr DNA. This may imply the company is using the funding of Dunkelzahn's bequest to go for another bequest. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: DUnkelzahn's Secrets, Predator and Prey, Shadows of Asia |
To Jeremy Goldsmith, I leave the recipe to Ms. Grundland’s Peanut Butter Cookies, as well as related trademarks and copyrights. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. |
The night he was assassinated Dunkelzahn had just left the inauguration party held by Mrs. Grundland's Peanut-Butter Cookies. Supposedly, Dunkelzahn attended a school bake sale and so enjoyed the snacks Jeremy Goldsmith prepared that Dunkelzahn asked for, and was given, the recipe for them. To repay the favor, he gave Jeremy this recipe. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: DUnkelzahn's Secrets |
To Laura RedFeather, location unknown, I bequeath one SOTA Firelight. I also assign 1 million nuyen to hire personnel, preferably from D Team, to deliver the Firelight to her if she has not surfaced to claim her inheritance before one month has passed. |
Redfeather may or may not be the decker that goes by the handle "Firelight." If so, I assume the Firelight is a type of cyberdeck, |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Janet Chee, I leave my property near Devil’s Hat, on the condition that the hills and canyons remain undeveloped. Should any development take place on these lands, the property will immediately revert to the Ute Nation for purposes of establishing a national park. |
No idea who Janet Chee is. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: DUnkelzahn's Secrets |
To Matthew Taylor, I leave my vintage 2017 Thunderbird Turbo Coupe. May it amuse you as much as it did me. |
Matthew Taylor was one of the Shadowrun fans who mailed in a vote for the election. He is not related to Jill Taylor. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: DUnkelzahn's Secrets |
To Lionel George Astor, I leave the Maltese Falcon, in gratitude for having introduced me to the film of the same name. I also leave 30,000 nuyen for the Friends of Film Noir—I hope your vid-to-simchip transfer project goes well. |
Astor apparently loaned the Maltese Falcon to the Smithsonian; from where it was stolen and transported to Denver, pursued by FBI agents hot on the thieves' trail. Unfortunately, the agents became embroiled in a conflict surrounding the appearence of the First Coin of Luck in Denver at the same time, and the ultimate fate ot the statue is uncertain. On a further note, if you haven't seen the movie "The Maltese Falcon" or at least read the book, you really should to grasp the full irony of this bequest. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Miles Lanier, head of Fuchi Internal Security, I leave 4 million shares of stock in Renraku Corporation, plus the board seat to which said shares entitle him. |
Miles Lanier is the longtime friend of Richard Villiers, one of the heads of the Fuchi triumvirate. Lanier accepted this bequest, and the board seat it entitled him with Renraku. This began an extensive and expensive shadow conflict between Fuchi and Renraku, as Laniar's considerable insider knwoeldge was brought to bear against his former corporation. Eventually, Villiers and Lanier divested themselves of their Fuchi and Renraku assets, dealing considerable damage to Renraku; gutting Fuchi, which led directly to that corporation's demise; and forming their new megacorp, Novatech. The Novatech IPO in 2064 led more or less directly to the creation of present-day megacorp NeoNET. Whether Dunkelzahn planned for this sort of corporate reshuffling is unknown, but it seems likely likely. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Blood in the Boardroom, Corporate Download, System Failure |
To the first party to develop an efficient and effective Matrix connection for dolphins, elephants and/or satyrs, and dragons, I leave the access codes to four Zurich-Orbital accounts and a personal visit from Lofwyr |
As stated above, Tan Tien appears to be working on the hook-up with satyrs. Dunkelzahn experimented with making simsense recordings of a dragon's brain and creating non-intrusive neural connections a dragon could use to access simsense and the Matrix through his company VisionQUest Entertainment, left to Holly Brighton. Interestingly, a small company known as Emerging Futures was working on hooking paranormal animals up to the Matrix under the heading of Project Cerebus. Eliohann, the young western dragon used in the final experiments, received a set of datajacks and ultimately ended up purchasing the company, which went into partnership with Ares for a time. Recently, Eliohann has sold Emerging Futures to Transys Neuronet, and with his upgraded datajacks may be in position to claim this bequest. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Lofwyr, I leave the Jewel of Memory and a bit of advice: consider your works and the possibility that, in the eyes of the Universe, you are no more or less than any of the Earth’s creatures. I tried it, and it works wonders. |
The Jewel of Memory is a draconic artifact of some power, and associated with the position of Loremaster. For more information, please see the Artifact Index. Lofwyr has tenaciously guarded the Jewel of Memory against all others since Dunkelzahn's death, though ultimately the pawns of another great dragon ended up with its magical essence, becoming the final act of the Rite of Succession. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Survival of the Fittest, Dragons of the Sixth World, The Forever Drug |
To Toshi Akimura, I leave my property in the French Quarter of New Orleans and access to the trust fund I have established in his name. |
Toshi Akimura is a noted fixer in New Orleans, and one of Dunkelzahn's Watchers. His inheritance from Dunkelzahn includes the Dragon's Lair casino, New Orlean's largest lakefront casino. Akimura also posted a rundown on New Orleans for Shadowland at the request of Captain Chaos. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Target: Smuggler Havens |
To Manadyne Corporation, I leave the sum of 80 million nuyen to further their magical research in accordance with our standing agreement. |
Manadyne is a magical research corp whose facilities rival those of some megacorporations. The corp's founder, Dr. Caroline Winter, is rumored to have been replaced by an anima. On a side note, Cale WInter, Caroline Winter's brother, is the founder of a matrix-tech corp named Mangadyne; both a spoof on his sister's company name and a reflection of the iconography of his company's software. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Kara Lazear, I leave 160,000 nuyen and the deed to 1428 Elm Street, Phoenix, Pueblo Corporate Council. |
Kara Lazear was the guardian of the boy Morgan Leroy Hall, whose custody was turned over to Mealla del Marco. Nothing else is known about Lazear or this address in Phoenix. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Niall O’Connor: I salute your devotion to spreading the truth and so I leave you the Ring of Truth. May it give you the voice of prophecy like the bards of old. |
Niall O'Connor is an elf, and a scion of the O'Connor clan of the Danaan-Mor of Tír na nÓg. It was Niall who first managed to spread information about Tír na nÓg to the shadow community and the world at large, an act which put him on the run from his family and friends. Niall may have been an initiate of the Path of Bards, but it has also been strongly suggested he is an initiate of the Path of the Rígh. The powers of the Ring of Truth are unknown, but may give him access to bardic powers such as are described in the Tír na nÓg sourcebook. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Tír na nÓg, Shadows of Europe, Nosferatu |
To the first party to determine what lies behind the door of room 5B78 of the Aztechnology Pyramid in Tenochtitlán and file a report of their findings on Shadowland, I leave 5 million nuyen or medical care for the remainder of their natural life, whichever seems most appropriate. |
No idea what might be behind this door. Dunkelzahn was revealed to be a major stockholder in Aztechnology, which may be how he knows which door for others to open. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Lung, I leave the Second Coin of Luck in hopes that he might benefit from the long view as I have. |
Lung is a Great Eastern Dragon of considerable power, knowledge, and age. Appropriately enough, the Coin of Luck he received represents Longevity. Lung has been seeking two of the other three extant coins. For more on the Coins of Luck, their history and their powers, please see the Artifact Index. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dragons of the Sixth World, Tails You Lose |
To Karl Kochvar, I leave the Goodman Theatre chain. May your designs grow ever larger. |
The Goodman Theatre is a popular landmark of Chicago, the same city that the FASA offices were located in. Karl Kochvar is (or at least was) a set designer at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago. He was also the person who designed and built the "FASA Temple," the structure at the Gen Con booth where the FASA folks ran game demos from 1993 through 1998. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Padraic Byrne at the University of Galway, 130,000 nuyen and apologies for the broken picture window. |
Padraic Byrne is an unknown; but for those who don't know, the University of Galway is located in the city of Galway in Tír na nÓg. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: DUnkelzahn's Secrets |
To Maureen Williams, I leave the trust fund at Silicon Valley Virtual Bank, account 0456 967 0145 8620, for the purpose of establishing a free school in Orkland. |
Mrs. Williams, upon receiving this bequest, left Los Angeles for San Francisco and set up the Orkland Community Center; and hired Robert Page to begin deciphering the text Dunkelzahn had left him. The OOC became a gethering point for the various metahuman resistance groups in San Francisco, but also served as a school. They began teaching Or'zet, the language Page had decoded from his text, in 2061. The OCC suffered a blow when Saito cracked down on them shortly afterwords, but still exists as far as is known. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, State of the Art: 2064 |
To James Meiers, I leave a small token of my esteem, to be distributed by the Draco Foundation. |
James D. Meiers aka Infict of the Dumpshock Forums, received a share of Renraku stock, signed by Aneki. Incidentally, according to the stock certificate James Meiers lives in the Pueblo Corporate Council. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
In order to promote harmony among the races, I authorize the Draco Foundation to establish and administer endowments for schools that have successfully created a multiracial learning environment in the most disadvantaged neighborhoods in the following cities: Seattle, New York, Atlanta, Denver, Dallas/Fort Worth, New Orleans, and Milwaukee. |
What a nice, metahumanitarian gesture. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Rebel Enterprise Investments, I leave the sum of 20 million nuyen for their continued investment and growth. |
Rebel Enterprise Investments was a small corporation formed in a Shadowrun campaign that was written up in the Shadowrun APA known as [i]Scrawls From the Sprawls[/i], of which Steve Kenson was a member. REI did receive the twenty million nuyen. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Mealla Del Marco, I grant the custody of Morgan Leroy Hall until he reaches his majority at the age of eighteen, on the condition that he is to be raised and schooled in the United Canadian American States. If this condition cannot be met, his custody shall return to Kara Lazear. I trust that you will care for him in a fitting manner, and perhaps you shall in return get the son you deserve. |
It is believed that this is Aithne Oakforest's estranged wife, Mealla Oakforest neé Maria Del Marco. She would have received custody of Morgan when he was four years old, so in 2063 he'd be eleven years old. This may also be a comment regarding her son Glasgian Oakforest, who is (or was) something of an insufferable spoiled brat. Nothing is known of Morgan Leroy Hall, though it has been suggested that he might be an immortal elf, like Jane Foster. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Morgan Leroy Hall, on the occasion of his reaching his majority at eighteen years of age on June 28, 2071, I leave all stocks in my Florence portfolio. Until this time, no transactions may take place involving these stocks. Any votes to which these shares are entitled shall be undertaken by Morgan’s legal guardian. I also leave 1 million nuyen in a trust fund to be managed by his legal guardian for his care and schooling until his twenty-first birthday, the remainder of which will transfer to Morgan Hall on his twenty-first birthday. |
The contents of the Florence portfolio are unknown. Given simple arithmetic, Morgan Leroy Hall would have been born in 2053...a very busy year, but the signifigance of his birthdate/coming-of-age, if any, is unknown (although if he is an Immortal Elf, that would be the approximate time his genes kicked in). |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Will |
To the first party to determine what the accompanying photos of Mars, taken by NASA just prior to the Ares Macrotechnology buyout, represent and who can prove their theory to the Draco Foundation, I leave 1 percent interest in Ares. |
In 2001, a NASA mission went to Mars, gathering digital recordings using robot probes. These findings were not publicly released, but another, top-secret manned mission to Mars named Operation Discovery was planned and executed in 2011, and the eight-man team began surveying and taking samples. However, on December 24th, 2011, an unknown disaster struck the primary Mars module. The remaining three astronauts and their samples returned to Earth amid the Year of Chaos. The funds appropriated for the mission caused a financial scandal, and led directly to the purchase of NASA by Ares MAcrotechnology in 2016. Ares Macrotechnology staged their own unmanned robot probe of Mars in the 2040's named Project Cydonia. Agents of a UCAS government agency sabotaged the information returned by the probes in order to protect the Operation Discovery. The first image is from Operation Discovery, and shows apparent pyramid-like structures on the Martian surface. These structures are real, and samples of the stone were taken back to Earth. The second image is a doctored photo that the government agents planted in AresSpace computers after they destroyed the Project Cydonia data, showing a 1950's flying saucer and Apollo-mission equipment. The third image is also from Operation Discovery, and clearly shows both the pyramids and the skeleton of an unknown creature (some suggest it might be a dragon). Samples of its bones were recovered and brought back to Earth. No, as far as is known, the critter is not a dragon. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Missions, State of the Art: 2064, Shadows of Asia |
To Meynt-Zai Industries, I leave all rights of ownership, funds and stock in Proteus Subsystems on the condition that Adam Goines is granted the position of Co-President/Chief Executive Officer. |
Meynt-Zai Industries is a company that first broke through with long-term terrarhodopsin protein for use as memory in cyberdecks; while Proteus Subsytems (No relation to Proteus AG) is a microtronics company. The benefits of combining the two are somewhat unclear. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the first party to successfully explain the existence, abilities and origin of the children of the Matrix, known as the otaku, I leave 5 million nuyen for continued research into the relationship between mind and machine. |
The existence of otaku was publicly announced two years before Dunkelzahn died. A number of theories have come out as to the origin and abilities of the otaku, but as far as I know no-one has yet claimed this bequest. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Ms. Leslie Lockhart, I leave 800,000 nuyen to be used for her care and schooling, plus copies of all of her mother’s sims. |
Leslie appears to be the daughter of simstar Euphoria, aka Amanda Lockhart. Since Euphoria was only 21 in 2050 when she died, that would have made Leslie at least seven years old in 2057, probably older if Euphoria had a teen pregnancy. Euphoria died when she an insect shaman attempted to invest her with an insect spirit, The sim recording of her rescue, Against the Hive Masters became a classic. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Queen Euphoria, State of the Art: 2063 |
To Phoenix Biotechnologies, 20 million nuyen for use in your research into the behavioral differences between males and females. |
Phoenix Biotechnologies is technically a subsidiary of the Pueblo Coporate Council, focusing mainly on genetech, magical healing, and infertility treatments. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Muirico, I leave free reign to the area of astral and physical space within one kilometer of the copse of stunted evergreens on my Prince Edward Island estate. |
Muirico is a free spirit whose domain is the copse of stunted trees behind Dunkelzahn's compound on Prince Edward Island. He is known to possess the astral gateway power. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, The Forever Drug |
To Abraxas Industries, I leave the sum of 100 million nuyen for their continued investment and growth. |
An unknown, the word Abraxas refers both to an Egyptian Gnostic and a type of magical word and charm. Therefore, it is not inconceivable this company deals with magic. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Nine Lives, whom I last saw in the Lucky Strike Tavern on the outskirts of Tacoma, I leave 10,000 nuyen. Here’s hoping you’ll put this gift to better use than my last one. (You simply must learn not to be so careless.) |
Nine Lives is another classic Shaodwrun band; and the Lucky Strike is another classic Shadowrun tavern. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Londa Cannon of Ohio, I leave my personally autographed picture of Elvis onboard the mothership. I hope she draws the same inspiration (and conclusions) as I. |
I don't know. I just don't know. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the first party to develop successful communication between metahumanity and dolphins, elephants and/or satyrs, I leave 40 million nuyen and his/her/their choice of any of the Cayman Islands. |
Dunkelzahn bought all of the Cayman Islands. Dolphin and elephants are known for having high brain mass, which implies greater than average intelligence, perhaps even sentience; while satyrs may be related to orks and may think like metahumans. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Richard Villiers of Fuchi Corporation, I leave my shares in Fuchi Corp for him to do with as he pleases. |
These shares amounted to 100,000 shares, or roughly 2% of outstanding Fuchi stock, giving Villiers a slight advantage over Nakatomi and Yamana, the other head honchos of Fuchi. Villiers divested himself of this stock before Fuchi was officially dissolved. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Blood In the Boardroom |
To Perianwyr, I leave the remainder of my music collection. I have a great deal of appreciation for anyone who prefers to hoard beauty and art, for they are the greatest treasures we have. |
Perianwyr is a lesser Western Dragon, a long-time partner of the human assassin Kyle Morgan, and a great lover of music. Recently, Perianwyr has set himself up with the Weekday Eclipse, a live-music club in Denver. Dunkelzahn's music collection is a warehouse of assorted media types, including any number of demo tapes, audition reels, and one-of-a-kind pieces; valued at something int the 8 digit range. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dragons of the Sixth World |
To Mina Graff-Beloit or her oldest living descendant, I leave the promissory notes for sums owed to VisionQuest by various wholly-owned subsidiaries of Saeder-Krupp. |
Wilhemina Graff-Beloit is the late widow of Michel Beloit, and the woman who built up Saeder-Krupp before Lofwyr bought it. She tried to take her company back, once, and Lofwyr warned her, once. Since then, Mina lived up in Zurich-Orbital until her dying day, scheming and plotting against the dragon. The promissary notes Dunkelzahn left her (owed to VisionQuest, one of Dunkelzahn's media corporations) tipped Mina off to Lofwyr's intent on buy the Swiss Bank Corporation; quick action on her part caused the wyrm to bleed a great deal more nuyen for the bank than he would otherwise have had to expend. Graff-Beloit died January 25th, 2063. Assuming she didn't give the notes to one of her children, Deitrich or Anikka Beloit, Zurich-Orbital will inherit any of the promissory notes that are left. Deitrich is involved with the Proteus AG corporation, while Anikka wishes to bring down Lofwyr like her mother. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dragons of the Sixth World |
To Richard Edmond "Red" Thompson, I leave the title to the customized GMC Riverine Delta Devil; the craft is already in his possession. |
I know nothing about Red, I'm afraid. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Bradley Beavers, I leave a small token of my esteem, to be distributed by the Draco Foundation. |
Another token winner. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the first party to create a cure for any of the current strains of flu, especially the rare and deadly Dragon flu, I leave half my stock in the Fort Howard Bristol-Meyers Squibb Corporation. |
The family of influenza viruses are, as with most viruses, difficult to "cure" due to their tendancy to drift and shift. I assume Dragon flu is an Awakened variant or postmodern mutation. The modern-day Fort Howard Corporation manufactures various products for hospitals and the like, while the modern-day Bristol-Meyers Squibb corporation builds all manner of medical devices, such as orthopaedic limbs. The receiver of this bequest, then, would earn a hefty share of a large medical-supplies and technology corporation. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: DUnkelzahn's Secrets |
To Reliable Imaging, I bequeath 300,000 nuyen to resume funding of the multi-phased simrig project. |
This incredibly small company is apparently extremely paranoid about their security, as all seven employees have obviously fictitious names. The "multi-phase simrig" is supposed to provide incredibly realistic experiences, even allowing the user to program impossible or never-before-experienced sensations. It has been argued that the latter would require an Artifical Intelligence to produce and record. There is no indication Dunkelzahn had contacted anyone in this company previously. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Lucien Cross of Cross Applied Technologies, I leave the undiscovered da Vinci entitled "Seraphim." |
Cross Applied Technologies was well-known to possess one of the best in-house spy networks in the world, the Seraphim, who answered to Lucien Cross himself. Whether this bequest is a stab at Leonardo, a poke at Lucien Cross, both, or neither, is unknown. After his death, it is presumed this piece would go to Cross' heirs. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, System Failure |
To Seattle-based trideo station KSAF, 4 million nuyen to be used expressly for the purpose of hiring freelancers, 12 million nuyen to be used for the purpose of increasing security, and 10 million nuyen to be used as a slush fund. These monies must be used before New Year’s Eve, 2059 or the remainder shall revert to my estate. Also, the contents of the bookshelves in my bedroom at my home in Maine, along with instructions on the order in which they should be read. |
KSAF is a small, independant trideo station which used to irregularly receive odd instructions. Following these instructions, the station managed to capture some of the most important moments in the young history of the Sixth World. Though the source of these comments has always been a mystery, this bequest appears to initmate that Dunkelzahn, using his intelligence, experience, and possibly Divining metamagic, had been supplying the information to the station. KSAF continues to appear unexpectantly at important happenings. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Threats |
To the first party to successfully invent an artificial mechanism capable of producing and sustaining a magical effect with no assistance from a living magician or spirit, I leave 8 million nuyen for additional research into the fusion of magic and technology. |
Hestaby has an interest in a corporation named MechAnima that is working on this bequest. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dragons of the Sixth World |
To Sharon Chiang-Wu, I leave the Third Coin of Luck. |
Sharon Chang-Wu is the wife of Wuxing CEO Wu Lung-Wei, and in 2061 gave birth to quintuplets. The Third Coin of Luck represents "Fertility," for more on the Coin's powers and history, please see the Artifact Index. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Year of the Comet |
If the owners of the bas relief sculptures commonly known as "Pre-Bronze Age Cave Reliefs 1–12" will bring these pieces to the Museum of Modern Art, the current assistant curator of the sculpture collection will prove that these twelve pieces can be assembled into a single work. In return, the owners will receive an equal share of all proceeds from the sale of my first and only attempt at free-form sculpture. (I must admit I was very disappointed in the result of this foray into an unfamiliar art form, and I’m afraid I lost my temper and smashed it. Imagine my surprise at finding the pieces being regarded as art!) |
Perhaps a subtle or unsubtle hint that previous cultures existed that modern Sixth Worlders are unaware of. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Rhonabwy, I leave the Silver Songbird. A poor reflection of that most beautiful of voices, but still a feast for the appreciative ear. |
Rhonabwy is a Great Western Dragon living in Wales, and a great appreciator of music, especially singing. Recently, this piece became a point of contest in the Rite of Succession. For more on the Silver Songbird, please refer to the Artifact Index. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Survival of the Fittest, Dragons of the Sixth World |
To Sierra Incorporated, I bequeath my 17,300 acres of land in Northern California, to be used as a reserve for indigenous wildlife. No development may take place on these lands, and no creatures may be removed from them under any circumstances without their express permission. |
Sierra, Incorporated is a fairly mainstream environmentalist organization currently headed by former presidential candidate Arthur Vogel. The northern Californian woodlands come close to Tir Tairngire, and are likely to contain stands of redwood trees and rare paranormal animals that talismongers and the like would like to get their hands on. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Tamara Gordon, I leave my collection of Gothic romances. May she find them inspirational. |
Tamara Gordon is unknown, though she might be related to Alan Gordon. Given his statement, perhaps Tamara Gordon is a writer or artist of some sort. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the government of Amazonia, I leave the Pale Orchid and the Ashes of the Great Tree. Use them to help protect the world from itself, but do not forget the lessons of the past or assume that your wisdom is greater than Nature’s. |
Amazonia is well known to be a nation keenly interested in magic and ecology. For more on the Ashes of the Great Tree and the Pale Orchid, please see the Artifact Idnex. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Sophie Yarborough, I leave the Hope diamond. Please forgive me for never giving you the ring I promised, but circumstances conspired against us. Do not fear the supposed curse this stone carries, for what we shared is strong enough to overcome the accumulated years of fear and greed impressed upon this precious bauble. You were often in my thoughts and dreams. |
The Hope Diamond is a large gem, cut down from a larger stone that formed the eye of a statue of a monkey god. The diamond is famously cursed, and was last known in the possession of the Smithsonian. It is assumed Dunkelzahn purchased the diamond shortly after becoming President of the UCAS, although the exact means by which he acquired the gem are unknown. Nothing, alas, is known about the connection between Dunkelzahn and Sophie Yardburough, though the text of the entry would give the impression they were intimate. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the first party to fully explain the basis for magical ability in homo sapiens and provide documented research of their discoveries, I leave 10 million nuyen, to further the world’s understanding and advancement of humanity’s magical capabilities in general. |
As far as I know, this bequest has not been claimed yet. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Sierra Incorporated, I leave 2 million nuyen to aid them in protecting the environment from exploitation. |
Sierra, Inc. is an organization dedicated to protecting nature. This bit of funding in particular should help them secure the land Dunkelzahn gave them in Northern California. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the first party to spend 24 hours in Glamis Castle during a full moon, I leave the castle, its furnishings and the grounds historically associated with it. "Good things of day begin to droop and drowse/while night’s black agents to their preys do rouse." |
A famous castle in Scotland, and the supposed location where Shakespeare's play MacBeth takes place. The last lines in the entry of the bequest come directly from the play, Act 3, Scene 2. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Theodore Winslow of Lone Star Security Services, I leave an antique sheriff’s badge worn by Wyatt Earp, a reminder that this is not the shoot-out at the OK Corral. |
Theodore W. D. Winslow is the CEO of Lone Star. The badge is, I think, a comment on the unnecessary brutality used at times by Lone Star. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Lone Star Sourcebook |
To the Atlantean Foundation, I leave 5 million nuyen to further their search for the truth. I also leave the fingerbone of St. Dunstan (the real one), as a reminder that truth is not always easy to separate from fiction. |
The Atlantean Foundation is an organization nominally dedicated to rediscovering Atlantis, and initiates a number of archeological digs to that effect. They also use their Mystic Crusaders to steal what they cannot otherwise obtain. Dunstan of Canterbury is a Catholic Saint, and supposed to have the gift of Prophecy. His fingerbone would be a relic, with powers possible associated with his own life and gifts. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the first party to capture and successfully breed Ecuadorean honey ants, I leave 8 million nuyen for the expansion of the breeding program. |
Honey ants are a type of ant that stores food, water, or the like in grossly swollen abdomens. Native Americans have long considered them a tasty snack and important foodstuff; I am unaware of any particular qualities of the Ecuadorean variety. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To SilveryK, I leave my private can opener program. You know where to find it on the Matrix, and the IC has been programmed to accept your ID in the event of my death. Have fun. I am so very glad I won’t be here to see what you do with it. |
SilveryK, also known as Kimberly Robinson, is a talented human albino decker and programmer. SilveryK was one of Dunkelzahn's Watchers. The Can-Opener program Dunkelzahn gave her is supposedly an exceptional icebreaker, which SilveryK is said to have shared to the Denver Nexus when she joined in 2058. In 2061 she was seen with members of the Draco Foundation after Ghostwalker showed up in Denver. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Target:Matrix, Year of the Comet |
To the Aztechnology corporation, I leave the Sexton of Worlds, with the provision that the corporation and the government of Aztlan ban the practice of blood magic in territories under their jurisdiction within a year of my death and submit to an outside investigation to verify this ban, the investigator to be designated by and answerable to the Draco Foundation. |
As far as I know, this bequest has not been claimed. For more on the Sexton of Worlds, please see the Artifact Index. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the bearer of SIN 5T2G-8U6V-PK02: present yourself to the Draco Foundation on any Wednesday between 10:00 and 10:15 a.m., and the Foundation will grant you one wish. This offer stands good for one year from the day of my death. I believe the saying is, be careful what you wish for—you may well get it. |
This is actually the first example we've ever had of a SIN. I don't know who the bearer is, if they made their wish, or if it was fulfilled. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Lugh Surehand, I leave the Torc of Rhiannon. May you wear it in good health and your land prosper thereby. |
Lugh Surehand is an immortal elf and High Prince of Tir Tairngire. For more on the Torc of Rhiannon, please see the Ancient Files. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the first party to find my lair in the Caucasus Mountains, I leave its contents, including clues to the location of two other lairs. In the third lair, you will find a plain brown scroll case. Return the case to the Draco Foundation unopened, and you will receive my lucky preces foot. May it bring you all the good fortune it brought me. |
In Earthdawn times, DUnkelzahn maintained lairs in the Caucasus Mountains. I do not know what the scroll case would contain or if it has been recovered. A preces is a type of Awakened, cannibalistic rabbit. So a lucky preces foot is like a lucky rabbit's foot, only moreso. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the current head houngan of the Caribbean League, I leave one year’s worth of talon clippings. |
As expressed above, one year's worth of talon clippings is a considerable magical and financial resource. Justin Rochefort was declared Head Houngan by the Voice of Ogoun on December 31st, 2063; but killed two days later before he could collect the clippings. Thus, no Head Houngan has yet survived to claim the bequest. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Cyberpirates!, Year of the Comet, Loose Alliances |
To the Daughters of the Circle, I leave the Onyx Unicorn in the hope that they will find its true owner. If they fail to do so within a year of my death, ownership reverts to the Draco Foundation. |
No idea who the Daughters of the Circle are, what the Onyx Unicorn is, or whether they found its owner. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Holly Brighton, my dear friend and one of the most exceptional humans it has been my pleasure to know, I leave ownership of Lake Louise and the VisionQuest Virtual Theme Park and its subsidiary companies and support services. It is my wish that she continue to reside there as she has done these past years. |
The media reporter who first interviewed Dunkelzahn after he awoke outside of Denver, the two maintained a professional relationship for years. Lake Louise is the site of Dunkelzahn's public lair, and VisionQuest is the theme park built there. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dunkelzahn: The Mass Media Dragon |
To David Dollinger, I leave a small token of my esteem, to be distributed by the Draco Foundation. |
Another token winner. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the elusive TX, whom I know exists, I leave 10 million nuyen on the condition that she come in from the shadows and report to the UCAS government for testing and training. I give her full assurances that she will not be harmed. I further authorize my executor to grant this same sum to any person or group of people who find TX and bring her, alive and undamaged, to any UCAS military installation. I authorize an additional 10 million nuyen for the hiring of qualified individuals to escort her safely home and, if necessary, to avenge any mistreatment of her with extreme prejudice. |
No idea who TX is, unfortunately. Assets, Inc. and other teams are still searching. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Loose Alliances |
To the first company to create edible synthetic flesh for ghouls, I leave 2 million nuyen with which to develop a complete and diverse product line. |
The Yakashima corporation, working through their subsidiary Biogene, is working on this bequest. Rumor has it that the racially biased corp hopes to start a Nouveau Cannibal line with it, rather than merely help ghouls. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: DUnkelzahn's Secrets, State of the Art: 2063 |
To Melody Tyger, I leave the sum of 10 million nuyen to complete and fund the performance of her "Fearful Symmetry" world tour. Your words ring true, making them most worthy to be heard. Let no one silence you. |
Dubbed "Dunkelzahn's favorite recording artist," Melody Tyger's Fearful Symmetry album (the name being a pun on the William Blake poem) went double-orichalcum. Tyger focuses on social commentary in her songs. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, State of the Art: 2063 |
To the first party to determine what lies behind the door of room 1835 in the Renraku Arcology in Seattle and report their findings to the Draco Foundation, I leave 5 million nuyen. |
This bequest was raised to 8 million nuyen after the Arcology was shut down. Room 1835 does not physically exist in the arcology, but rather is a virtual space within the Arcology's self-contained matrix. The enigmatic immortal elf decker Leonardo created the room to monitor the Arcology computer systems for signs of artificial intelligence. It has not been officially stated whether this bequest has been awarded yet. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Renraku Arcology Shutdown, Brainscan |
To Jawwad Nakhan, I leave 3 million nuyen for the express purpose of continuing his research on the effects of mana on latent autosomes, on the condition that he publicly release his findings. |
It is possible that this research refers to either SURGE or Goblinization. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the first party to develop a magic item that can be used by a mundane, I leave the medium-sized chunk of orichalcum I keep in my sock drawer at Lake Louise. |
I do not know if this bequest has been claimed yet. I also don't know how large "medium-sized" is when referring to orichalcum, or why a dragon needs a sock drawer. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Carras Communications I bequeath 1 million nuyen for marketing its products. |
An exceedingly small company that puts out reliable highly-charged low-frequency communication devices; which aren't used much and thus very useful to shadowrunenrs and their ilk. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Robert Page, I leave my copy of an ancient text that proves elves are not the only race to possess a unique language. Take pride in your heritage and continue to promote the rights of your people, for the orks have always fought to rise above the position in which others would keep them. May this document aid your struggle up from below. |
The Or'zet Codex, as it has been termed, is an ancient book with metallic pages, containing the same message in both Sperethiel and an unknown language presumed to be an ancient Ork language. Maureen Williams bankrolled Page's deciphering of the text, with the help of the Draco Foundation. The language was quickly disseminated, whih was fortunate because Saito imprisoned most of the linguistic researchers and burned all hardcopies of their work. Robert Page and the original Codex have since dissapeared. In Earthdawn times, there were two ork languages, Or'zat (ancient ork) and Or'zet (modern or traveller's ork); this tome would appear to contain the latter, though the author remains a mystery (most books with metallic pages appear to be Theran in origin). |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, State of the Art: 2064 |
To the first party to establish a self-sustaining community of no fewer than 100 persons on the ocean floor, I leave 5 million nuyen. |
Proteus AG first attempted to qualify for this bequest based on their arkoblocks, but were denied. Yamatetsu Corporation eventually won the bequest with their SoaTome AquaDomes; but it appears that most of the megacorporations preferred the autonomy of not mentioning their deep-water aqualogies to a measly 5 million nuyen. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Cyberpirates!, Target: Smuggler Havens, Target: Wastelands |
To Jenna Ni’Fairra, I leave the Book of Leaves. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, according to humans. If that is true, and it seems likely, then perhaps it is time we all learned. |
Jenna Ni'Fairra is a Prince of Tir Tairngire and a member of the Council of Princes. No informatione xists on the Book of Leaves. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Thaumaturgy, I leave all books copyrighted before 1960 from my New York library. |
MIT&T is a world-reknowned university when it comes to magical and technical fields. The contents of the books copyrighted before 1960 in Dunkelzahn's New York Library are unknown, but may contain works on early technical devices and magical techniques, such as dageuerrotype film-making. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the first party to revitalize any three species of flora or fauna currently near extinction and successfully return them to their native environment, or successfully adapt those species to a new environment, I leave 30 million nuyen and funds for further research to be provided by the Draco Foundation. |
To the best of my knowledge, this bequest has not yet been met. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Maria Mercurial, I leave my collection of vintage jazz and blues albums. May they bring you as much enjoyment as your music has always brought me. |
Maria Mercurial is one of, if not the, most well known musicians in the Shadowrun universe, especially among old players of the game. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Wu Lung-Wei, I leave the Jade Dragon of Wind and Fire. |
Wu Lung-Wei is CEO of Wuxing, Inc. a knowledgeable geomancer and apparently a social adept. He installed the Jade Dragon of Wind and Fire in his Hong Kong headquarters, a power site of some magnitude, and has been geomantically funelling mana into it. The free spirit Buttercup, acting on behalf of another, hired a group of runners to alter the flow of mana around the statue using geomancy, scoring points against Lung and Ryumyo in the Rite of Succession. This geomantic ritual may have been responsible for some minor setbacks that plagued Wuxing. For information on the Jade Dragon of Wind and Fire, please see the Artifact Index |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Corporate Download, Year of the Comet, Survival of the Fittest, Shadows of Asia |
To the first party who successfully cultivates the Brazilian kiwi outside its native environment, I leave 10 million nuyen and funds for further research to be provided by the Draco Foundation. |
The Brazilian kiwi is rumored to have hallucinogenic properties, but is also typically infested with a type of Awakened spider. Some companies have tried to cultivate them, it is unknown if they have yet succeeded. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Predators and Prey |
To the government of the United Canadian and American States, I leave the Tapestry of Fate, to hang in the home of the President as a reminder of Fate’s power to change our lives. |
The Tapestry of fate was accepted and hangs in the White House, were President Haeffner likes to stare at it. For more information on the Tapestry of Fate, please see the Artifact Index. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the Gunderson Corporation of Miami, I leave to the present CEO all of my preferred stock in the company to be disposed of as he or she wishes, with the condition that the work continues without pause per our verbal agreement of 17 July 2056. And I add my personal wish of good luck. |
Gunderson Corporation was a AA with a secret underwater supercomputer they were working on, but Art Dankwalther decided to use it for target practice and it's bleeding badly. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Threats 2, Shadowboxer |
To the first party to discover what lies behind the door of room 429 of the Saeder-Krupp offices in Berlin and report their findings to Lofwyr, I leave the Arrow of Red Dragon Slaying. |
Berlin is a free city in the Allied German States, an experiment in Anarchy. Unfortunately, that ended in 2055 when large portions of the city were taken over as private corporate enclaves, and the anarchists were walled in to deal with themselves. It is unknown what the room contains, or what the Arrow of Red Dragon Slaying is or does (provided the name isn't accurate). |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Shadows of Europe |
To Craig Sanchez, I leave a small token of my esteem, to be distributed by the Draco Foundation. |
Dunkelzahn once bound Buttercup into the mind and body of an elderly, destitute ork for a year and a day to teach her a lesson. This bequest sent that ork, Sanchez a token to hide himself from Buttercup should she desire revenge. Buttercup did eventually find the ork, but not for revenge but to take care of him. For more on Craig Sanchez's token, please see the Artifact Index. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Blood in the Boardroom |
For a period of ten days beginning on 14 February 2057, Lars J. Matthews will cease to possess any legal status. He will be stripped of all evidence of legal existence, including SIN, credsticks, DocWagon contract, bank accounts and so on. To the individual or group who ends Lars J. Matthews’ physical existence during those ten days, I leave all of Matthews’ assets and 1 million nuyen for a job well done. If Mr. Matthews survives and can prove his identity, his legal status and all possessions will be restored to him. Haven’t you heard? Never deal with a dragon, Lars. |
No idea what happened to Lars. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the Joseph Campbell Mythology Society I leave 500,000 nuyen to continue keeping the work and dreams of Professor Campbell alive. |
Joseph Campbell was world-reknowned for his very instrumental theories on mythology. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the most direct descendent of either Howard Carter or George Herbert, Fifth Earl of Carnarvon, whichever shows up first, I leave the nose of the Great Sphinx of Giza. |
The nose of the Great Sphinx of Giza has alternately been said to have fallen off or been shot off by Napoleon during artillery practice. Howard Carter and George Herbert were quite famous archeologists and egyptologists. This nose may or may not be connected to the Theran Sphinx. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the Mountain Dragons Urban Brawl team, I leave ownership of the franchise to the team members and their manager, to be divided equally among them. You have consistently amazed me with your spirit and tenacity. |
Dunkelzahn Enterprises owned the Mountain Dragons Urban Brawl team, as should be evident. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Shadowbeat |
To the first party to successfully grow cactus on the ocean floor and produce an acre of wheat in low orbit, I leave 20 million nuyen. |
Hestaby has offerred to match this sum, and has an interest in Starfield Botanical Engineering, a small CAS firm looking to win this bequest, currently focusing on growing underwater cacti. Aztechnology is also focusing on growing wheat in low-earth orbit in their Spindle station, but have only 2/3 of an acre max yield at the moment. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Target: Wastelands, Dragons of the Sixth World |
To Terri Ann Riberio, I leave ownership of vid-station KZHN in Los Angeles, CFS and all of my stock in MegaMedia, Brilliant Genesis Studios and Amalgamated Studios. I further leave an additional 30 million nuyen to Ms. Riberio for the production of a film biography of my modern life and times. Terri, you have always been a speaker of the truth as well as a crafter of dreams and I hope that you will continue to do both in the future. |
Terri Ann Riberio is an unknown to me, as is vid-station KZHN of Los ANgeles. MegaMedia, Brilliant Genesis and Amalgamated Studios are all major simsense and trideo production companies, the best in the business, and bitter rivals. It is unknown if Ms. Riberio has completed this biography or not as of 2064. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the New Wine Fellowship, I leave the lands and buildings of Crusader Church. |
The New Wine Fellowship is an organization of Christian Revivalists. I don't know the specific Crusader Church mentioned here, but there is an obvious connotation between the Revivalists and the Crusaders. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the owner of the sky-blue Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit that was crushed by a falling chunk of plascrete on October 26, 2045, I leave my 1964-1/2 candy-apple red Ford Mustang convertible. Sorry for the inconvenience—I had an itch that I couldn’t reach and caught the corner of the building with my claw. |
A Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit is one of the most common Shadowrun cars ever, while the 1964 1/2 candy-apple red Mustang convertable is just and incredible sweet and sexy machinery, more than worth the cost of the silly Jackrabbit. I take personal pleasure in the fact that Dunkie gave the owner of a rice rocket an American car, however. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the MetaErgonomic Division of Yamatetsu, I leave Mountain King Engineering, that both may benefit from the effects of serendipity. |
Evo (formerly Yamatetsu) a AAA megacorp, touts itself as the meta-friendly corp, producing goods in dwarf and troll sizes; which is the function of the MetaErgonomic division. I don't know who Mountain King Engineering are or what they do, though they must complement one another in some way. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, I leave the gold-filigree-and-enamel box containing Rasputin’s heart. |
Rasputin was a mystic, and is often called "the Mad Monk." An advisor attached to some of the last Russian Tsars, he was famously difficult to kill-on 16 December 1916, he was poisoned, shot repeatedly, beaten about the head with a barbell handle, bound and thrown into a frozen river through a hole in the ice. He was discovered dead some time later, frozen to death while attempting to remove his bonds. During his autopsy, Rasputin's heart was removed and stored in the Russian Academy of Military Medicine until it mysteriously dissapeared in the 1930's. The Russian Orthodox Church is over a thousand years old. The position of the Patriarch, interestingly, was created in 1917. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the people of the UCAS, I leave Prince Edward Island and my estate thereon, including the necessary monies to maintain my estate in perpetuity as a public park. Ownership of the island will revert to its residents. |
This bequest was somewhat misconstrued, and the AmerInd inhabitants of PEI staged a short-lived rebellion to become a NAN state, which was put down, in 2060. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, The Forever Drug |
To Zor Entertainment, I leave 3 million nuyen for expansion of its recording studios and marketing of its labels. |
Zor Entertainment of Seattle's only notable feature was releasing some of the music of Dark Angel, an Elven magician and musician who wove ancient Elven ballads into his rock and was considered quite good. He disappeared under mysterious circumstances after his album "Earth Dawn" was released. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dark Angel |
To the Provisional Government of the Yucatan, I leave 3 million nuyen and the hope that they will succeed in their struggle for freedom. |
The Yucatan province of Aztlan has been in open and bloody rebellion with Aztlan/Aztechnology for over a decade now. The war took a particularly nasty turn during the Year of the Comet when aztechnology used toxic chemicals against the rebels and the environment, which upset the manasphere, causing earthquakes and clashes of nature and toxic spirits. The lesser feathered serpent Pobre, the voice of the rebels, was rumored to get a snootful of the chemicals and to be getting increasingly unhinged. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Aztlan, Year of the Comet, Target: Wastelands, Dragons of the Sixth World |
To Xerxes Positive Research Tank, specifically its Mendocino Laboratory, I leave Neptune’s Net. |
Xerxes Positive Research Tank was owned by Cross Applied Technologies, before CATCo was purchased by Ares following the Crash 2.0. Nothing in particular is known about either the Mendocino Laboratory or Neptune's Net, except that the Sea Dragon is rumored to be working with them in connection with it. The bequest for the Matrix Monocle should have defaulted back to them. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Street Magic |
To Keiiha of the Lake Louise centaurs, I leave the meadows and forests in which your people live. Take care of them, old friend. |
Several Great Dragons use centaurs as guardian creatures, and Dunkelzahn was no exception, using them to augment the security around his Lake Louise lair. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Paranormal Animals of Europe |
To the Shadowland Nexus, I leave ownership and control of certain Matrix LTG sites, the locations and passcodes and titles of which have already been transmitted to you under my electronic signature. You have indeed "taken all knowledge to be your province," and the world has profited greatly thereby. Use these resources wisely, that it may continue to do so. |
The Nexus is, without a doubt, the largest data haven on the planet. Shadowland in particular is an aspect of the Nexus dealing with shadowrunners and their ilk. I'm sure Dunkelzahn's materials went to good use. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the Sisterhood of Ariadne, I leave one year’s worth of talon clippings. |
The Sisterhood of Ariadne is a small but fairly long-lasting Wiccan initiate lodge, whic now has considerably greater resources with the bequest of 36.5 million nuyen worth of telesma. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Arleesh, who I know has no use for things of this world, I leave the hope that your efforts will be successful. You will have the complete cooperation of the Draco Foundation when it is needed for your work. |
Arleesh is a Great Feathered Serpent whose primary interest appears to be destroying artifacts detrimental to metahumanity and Earth as a whole. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the University of Cheyenne, I leave 100,000 nuyen and a detailed map of the archaeological site near the town of Oraibi. Excavate with care. |
Oraibi is a very important Hopi cultural site and pueblo, almost a thousand years old, located in what was Northern Arizona. The University of Cheynne in the Sioux Nation is most well-known for their high-tech programs, rather than any archealogical focus. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Shadows of North America |
To Thomas Nolan, I leave my home outside of Vancouver and the land surrounding it. I believe you will find the library well-stocked and the security adequate. |
Thomas Nolan is an unknown. Perhaps he enjoys his seclusion and reading at home. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: DUnkelzahn's Secrets |
To Aina, my dear friend who has suffered so, I leave the most important thing that I have to offer: hope. Hope for change, hope for life and hope for beauty. It is a rare quality in this day and age and perhaps the most valuable thing that I have to offer. I urge you to join the Draco Foundation and so take a small step toward re-joining the world. Hope need no longer be an endangered species. |
Aina Dupree is an Immortal Elf, and one who has suffered a great deal more than others of her kind at the hands of the Horrors. While initially hesitant, she has accepted the position as Vice Chairperson of the Draco Foundation. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Year of the Comet, Dragons of the Sixth World |
To Jan Petersen of Saeder-Krupp Aerospace, I leave promissory notes for sums owed to me personally by the Vice President of Ressha Corporation, a Shiawase subsidiary. |
Saeder-Krupp Aerospace divison is based upon the old European Space Agency, and makes Saeder-Krupp one of the major contenders in space. The Ressha Corporation is listed as a subsidiary of Shiawese, another AAA megacorp, which has considerably less space assets. No idea on who Jan Peterson is. While the purview of the Ressha Corporation is unclear, the word "Ressha" is Japanese for "train." No idea what the outcome of this bequest is as of yet. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Oliver McClure of Quebéc City, I leave my voting stock in Aztechnology and the board seat to which that entitles you. It was refreshing to find such a thoroughly honest man making an adequate living in these times that make such a thing so difficult. I hope that you will prove to be a good influence on the board, and perhaps remind them of the surpassing brightness of the metahuman soul. |
It's rather surprising that Dunkelzahn possessed sufficient voting stock in Aztechnology to possess a board seat, much less that he would give it to such an unknown as Oliver McClure. McClure has so far survived a number of assassination and buy-out attempts, and continues to survive and vote his stock as a member of Aztechnology's board. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Corporate Download |
To Sirrurg, the Destroyer: though we have never understood one another, I respect your conviction. Because I know you value nothing else of mine, I leave you with my respect and that alone. |
Sirrurg is a draconic loner and believer in survival of the fittest. He helped found Amazonia and since then has apparently taken to hunting a group that hunted dragons during the downcycle, and being by himself. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Dragons fo the Sixth World |
I leave Gavilan Ventures to Nadja Daviar and appoint her acting head of that corporation. I also leave to my dear friend a sealed envelope containing the details of my seven-year plan for this asset. |
Gavilan Ventures is a holding corporation for a sum of Ares stock Dunkelzahn acquired during the Nanosecond Buyout, when he helped Damien Knight (neé David Gavilan) purchase a rough majority of Ares Macrotechnology. Dunkelzahn used Gavilan Ventures for years to either back or oppose Knight on the board, and passed this piece on Nadja Daviar to use. Daviar initially agreed to sign voting rights for the stock over to Knight for a two-year period, enough for Knight to force his old foe Leonard Aurelius out of Ares. Now entering the year 2064, Daviar is coming to the end of Dunkelzahn's 7-year plan for Gavilan Ventures. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Blood in the Boardroom, Corporate Download |
To Arthur Vogel, I leave my seat on the board of Ares Macrotechnology. Read every report to which you are entitled, and judge the effects of the corporation’s actions with an open mind. I believe you will see the fundamental error of the toxic way. Carry on the good fight—this time in earnest. |
Arthur Vogel is a millionaire dwarf lawyer known for his tough Green politics, and for running for President of the UCAS in 2057. Vogel is also president of Sierra, Inc. When forced out of Ares, Leonard Aurelius sold his stock to Arthur Vogel...though the nature of Vogel's secrets backers to obtaint he billions of nuyen needed to purchase the stock are unknown. It is possible that Vogel's more militant eco-group ties have allowed him to be influenced by toxic shamans, hence Dunkelzahn's comment. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Blood in the Boardroom |
To Glenn Dudley, I leave a small token of my esteem, to be distributed by the Draco Foundation |
Another token winner. Also known as Dream, also known as Fortune, of the Dumpshock Forums. He received a share in the Atlantean Foundation, and reportedly voted for Dunkelzahn. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Lady Brane Deigh, I leave a set of antique path cards. May they help to illuminate your wisdom in the days ahead and place you in touch with the past you hold so dear. |
Lady Brane Deigh is the Queen of the Seelie Court of Tír na nÓg, and an immortal elf. Path cards are an ancient Elven invention similar to tarot cards, but based on the Elven Ways and Paths. Path cards are frequently used as a tool or focus in divination. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Tír na nÓg, Shadows of Europe |
To Toshiro Mistuhama of Mistuhama Computer Technologies, I leave an ancestral katana forged by the master swordsmith Masamune. May its quality remind you of the value of art and beauty coupled with the qualities of honor, courage and loyalty. |
Toshiro Mitsuhama is President and CEO of Mitsuhama, the son of Mitsuhama's founder Taiga "Tiger" Mitsuhama. Long loved in Final Fantasy video games and more, Masamune was the name of one of a pair of famous Japanese father-son sword-forgers whose blades held a sort of will, if not sentience. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Corporate Shadowfiles, Corporate Download |
To the Upper Sandusky Magicians Society, I leave 25 million nuyen to fulfill the following request according to the instructions provided here. The Draco Foundation will provide to USMS a list of my five favorite ally spirits, one at a time, and a list of five individuals. The Society must summon each of these spirits and command it to perform a specific task, as defined below. To protect the rights of the spirits, the summoning magician must agree to submit to a dose of laés, to be administered by a representative from the Draco Foundation immediately following the summoning. At the end of its service, the ally spirit will be allowed to go free. An ally spirit will inhabit the cat owned by Maude Greider for one year, a period of time that represents Ms. Greider’s current life expectancy. The spirit will provide companionship to Ms. Greider, who already believes the cat talks to her. This arrangement will simply make her belief come true. May your final days be peaceful, Maude — you deserve a little peace. An ally spirit will use its accident power against Tara Bills three times a week for a period of one year. If she survives, perhaps she will learn compassion for those in the ambulances she is so fond of chasing. And don’t worry, you’ll make new friends after a few years have passed. An ally spirit will use its binding power to prevent Howard Folkner from walking away from his wife, his mother-in-law, his employees and all others whose opinions and advice he has been ignoring for years. Learn humility, Howie—your track record for making effective decisions on your own isn't so great. There are certain things you need to accomplish in this life, and you’re obviously not going to do them on your own. Learn to take advantage of your assets. An ally spirit will use its alienation power on Sir David Meyerhoff for a period of seven weeks. An ally spirit will maintain a constant telepathic link with Stefan Rubloff for a year and a day. The spirit will provide any and all assistance allowed by this power and required by Mr. Rubloff during this time; in addition, the spirit will provide an update every 20 minutes of its current position and the events and people under its observation. "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." |
The purpose of this bequest seems to range from metahumanitarian interest to tough love. None of the named individuals nor the Upper Sandusky Magicians Society have been heard from before or since. Now, the question remains if these ally spirits were personally created by Dunkelzahn or rather free ally spirits he made use of. Certain of the spirit's powers are unusual for ally spirits, which might represent different techniques used to create them. Laés is a drug used to erase memories, protecting the spirit's True Name. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Enrico Hernandez, I leave the pictures in my safe deposit box at the Glendale branch of Angeles Fidelity Bank. |
No idea who Enrico Hernandez is, unfortuantely, or what the pictures are of. The bank is in Los Angeles. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the first party to track down the Russian crown jewels, I leave that treasure except for the scepter and crown, which the Draco Foundation will return to the descendants of its original owners. According to my research, the jewels were smuggled from the country inside a spinet piano, one of nine belonging to the royal palace. The jewels were not in the four spinets that I have acquired. There are three more that I have been unable to track down, and two currently in the possession of private collectors. |
I know nothing about the whereabouts or disposition of the Russian crown jewels; I've been assured there remain descendents of the Romanovs (Russia's royal line) about, however. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the gypsies of northern California, I ask that they appear at Shasta Dam on 21 June 2058, at which time Hestaby will distribute ownership rights to land from my California holdings on which they may permanently settle. |
Northern California was famous for its temporary, roving population, which became colloquially known as gypsies. Hestaby did indeed distribute ownership rights to land for these people to settle on. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Shadows of North America |
To Abigail Ceccion, I bequeath one dozen red roses from the New Zealand horticultural complex to be hand delivered to her residence each week for the rest of her natural life. Maybe now, you damn shaman, you will believe that I never forget a promise. Or a debt. Though how you produced that fourth ace without the aid of major magic is completely beyond my understanding of the game. |
Abigail Ceccion appears to be a shaman with some luck at poker. Nothing else about her is known. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the People’s University of the California Free State, I leave the access code to a Matrix location I think you will find quite useful. My sincere best wishes for your continued existence and success. |
The People's University of California Free State is a volunteer organization, associated with the October 25 Alliance and other rebellious groups but focusing on self-improvement. The Matrix location Dunkelzahn rpovided was an ideal high-storage, high-processing data host structured for a teaching environment and packed with programs ideal for educating a rebellion. It also contains a room constantly receiving news stories picked out by an army of searchbots, wading through incoming news reports for anything relevant and useful. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: DUnkelzahn's Secrets, California Free State, Target: Matrix |
To Lawrence Edward Grafton, I leave a stipend of 50,000 nuyen annually for as long as he stays chaste. (Good luck.) |
Nothing is known about Lawrence Grafton. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To the parties the Draco Foundation agrees have achieved breakthroughs in the inventions necessary to successful deep-space living and travel, I leave 50 million nuyen each for continuing research. |
A very open-ended grant, a number of corporations could conceivably be in line to claim one. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Art Dankwalther, I leave the sum of 34,586,224,739.58 in UCAS dollars. According to my calculations and accounting for conversion of the original currency, inflation, and 1 percent interest per annum, this settles my debt to your ancestor for the gold piece he kindly lent me for the last meal we shared. |
Art Dankwalther was an employee of Fuchi who was fired and became a BTL addict. The Draco Foundation found him, cleaned him up and cleaned him out, and gave him his money (the government ended up getting a good chunk, despite the DF's best efforts otherwise.) Art spent a very brief period enjoying his millions before meeting Richard Villiers, and developing a fanatical, rabid hatred for whom he saw as Fuchi's heir and the direct cause of his being fired from the corporation he loved and now hated. Art used his financial wizardry to invest and expand his wealth, with the intent on destroying Novatech. Before going after a AAA megacorp, however, Art started small, dismantling an A corp with ease. His second target was the unfortunate Gunderson Corp, a AA megacorporation. Due to daring tactics, Gunderson is still afloat...but only barely. Art currently needs to finish off Gunderson and rebuild his wealth to even higher levels to take out Novatech. Although he caused Villiers some trouble and financial difficulties, Art Dankwalther was killed by a Thor shot in 2065. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Threats 2, State of the Art: 2064 |
To Josey Anne Miller, I leave the antidote labeled DDE2, currently stored in my office refrigerator at Gavilan Ventures. You’ll know when to use it. |
No idea who Josey Anne Miller is or what the antidote might be for. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
Beginning in February of 2058, the Draco Foundation will sponsor two annual competitions for the purpose of advancing the frontiers of knowledge, with an emphasis on practical applications. These competitions will be open to the public, with no entrance fee and no formal qualifications required. Winners will receive a patent established in their name by the Draco Foundation, and additional resources for development if applicable. The first competition (time and date to be announced) will judge magical innovations, including but not limited to such categories as Spell Design, Magical Theory, Magical Objects and Astral Exploration. The second competition will judge technological innovations, including but not limited to such categories as Rigger Technology, Space Technology, Matrix Technology, Medical Technology and Cybernetics. This competition will take place roughly six months after the first competition. |
Nothing about these competitions is known. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Bradley Smith, I leave a small token of my esteem, to be distributed by the Draco Foundation. |
Another token winner. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Vlad Curcio, I leave my open-ended pass to Virtual World Disney. I’m glad we bumped into each other there last fall, and I hope you've recovered from the broken collar bone. "It's a small world, after all." |
Apparently, Disney survives and continues to update their operations. Nothing else is known about Vlad Curcio. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets |
To Ryanthusar I leave my heart, which you will find at my Lake Louise residence. |
"Ryanthusar" was Dunkelzahn's nickname for Ryan "Quicksilver" Mercury, a bred drake physical magician of some power trained by Dunkelzahn and Harlequin. Ryan is a member of Assets, Inc. one of the most high-powered shadowrunning groups in the world. They work exclusively for the Draco Foundation. The Dragonheart is a mystic artifact, a four-chambered heart sized for a dragon made of pure orichalcum. For more information, please see the Artifact Index. The Dragonheart was stolen from Lake Louise by the Mystic Crusaders shortly after Dunkelzahn died. Ryan Mercury recovered and lost it. The cyberzombie Billy and the spirit Lethe together ended up using the Dragonheart to destroy the Spike Point. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Threats 2, Loose Alliances, Stranger Souls, Clockwork Asylum, Beyond the Pale, Crossroads |
To the last Knight of the Crying Spire, I leave the suit of armor worn by Richard the Lion-hearted on his Crusade, because it's up to You to lead the next one. I also leave you the sword Excalibur — unfortunately, I can't seem to find it at the moment. To whomever finds Excalibur, deliver it to the Draco Foundation for a reward and title. The Draco Foundation will promptly turn the sword over to you, my knight. |
Caimbeuel Har'lea'Quinn is the last Knight of the Crying Spire, formerly known as the Crimson Spire of the City of Spires. Harlequin is an immortal elf, master swordsman, and the most powerful metahuman magician on the planet. After coming to the Draco Foundation and answering some questions to prove his identity, the Armor of Richard the Lion-Hearted (a King of England during the Third Crusade made popular by tales of Robin Hood), was delivered to Harlequin's home, the Chateau d'If in France. The Draco Foundation is still looking for the sword Excalibur, for more on that item, please see the Artifact Index. |
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Clockwork Asylum, Post Mortem |
The Secret Will
Dunkelzahn did not see fit to make all of the provisions of his Will public. So far, the only known bequests are a some of Wuxing stock to Johnathan Blake (a Special Aquisition VP with Saeder-Krupp who had gone missing, and was found by Nadja Davier on a trip to the Vatican) [SOTA: 64] and the First Coin of Luck to the poor fisherman SUn Yat Sun of Hong Kong, who was slain shortly after receiving it.[PoaD]
WizKids, LLC has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video, and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the game Shadowrun. WizKids, LLC has granted permission to "The Ancient Files" to use such names, logos, artwork, marks and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and informational purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated with "The Ancient Files" in any official capacity whatsoever.