Meetup Gatherings
- Shadowrun 4th 5/25/08
- Shadowrun 4th 6/8/08
- Shadowrun 4th 8/30/08
- Arkham Horror 7/5/09
- Deadlands Reloaded: 3/14/2010
Dice Collection
- Dice Collection
- Dice Collection (more dice)
Gaming Table
Collection and Screen
Books I'm looking for:
Note:Book ID-Print Edition Name
7001 is Shadowrun 3rd Ed, 7100 is Shadowrun 1st Ed, 7901 is Shadowrun 2nd Ed, 10660 is Shadowrun 3rd Ed FanPro, 26000 is Shadowrun 4th Ed.
The blank ones are likely just holes in the sequence vs an actual missing book.
Books for sale or trade
- 7105 - Paranormal Animals of North America
- 7109 - Shadowbeat
- 7204 - Germany Sourcebook
- 7208 - The Neo-Anarchist's Guide to Real Life
- 7211 - Tir na nOg
- 7219 - Target: Matrix
- 7219 - Target: Matrix
- 7325 - Missions
- 7330 - Corporate Punishment
- 7903 - The Grimoire
- 7904 - Virtual Realities 2.0
- 7909 - Matrix
- 10657 - New Seattle
- 10664 - State of the Art: 2063
Help for novice GM's
Company Sites
- Official Shadowrun Site
- Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun Developers
- InMediaRes Productions Shadowrun Publishers
- WizKids Shadowrun Property Owners
- The Topps Company Owns WizKids
On-Line Stores
Shadowrun Resources
- Sixth World Wiki
- Player Quickstart
- Gamemaster Quickstart
- eBay Shadowrun Search
- Shadowrun Product Reviews FASA reviews
- List of FASA/FanPro books
- Free Module Site
- Shadowrun resources
- Shadowrun 4 Hacking Cheat Sheet
- Shadowrun 4 Reference site
- Shadowrun Fiction History
- Shadowrun document site
- NAGEE Archives
- Shadowrun Settings
- Shadowrun Files (From various places around the 'net)
- SR4 Character Generator Main Page
- jamz excel character generator (sr4)
- French site, English sr4 chargen
- Feral Cities article
- Shadowrun Cheat Sheets in Javascript
- Isle of Shadows
Shadowrun Webring
- MetaShop of Runners - Geocities: Jan 11 2001
- The Excalibur Project - Anglefire:
- Jay's Page - Geocities:
- Mak's Node
- The Shadow Hunter Geocities
- Wonderland Tree Shadowrun 2nd for D20
- Big Knobi Klub
- Trauma Central
- Shadowrun Online
- The Shadowrun Dungeon Geocities
- The Wandering Hacker
- Brimber's Shadowrun Page
- Hoosier Hacker House
- The Shadowrun Emporium
- Isle of Shadows
- Shadowrun Product Reviews
- Scandinavia in Shadowrun
- Inoffizieles Alternatives Deutschland-Quellenbuch
- Shatter's Shadowrun Homepage
- Mongoose's Shadowrun Web Site
- The Walking Dead Not Shadowrun Any more
- As Yet Unknown...
- Stewart Wochen's Site
- Las Sombras de Seattle
- The Path of the Arcane
SR4 Book Threads
RPG.Net Threads
- Wakshaani's 320 pt challenge.
- Talk to me about Shadowrun 4E
- Discussion of small unit tactics
- 101 Shadowrun missions
- 5000 Nuyen is Chump Change
- What would a violent urban society look like?
- Cyberpunk resources?
- Shadowrun ... Why magic?
- What is Cyberpunk?
- Advice running Shadowrun 4e
- Shadowrun Optimization?
- Cyberpunk in 2008
- A bit of advice... - Rigger
Reviews: Shadowrun 2nd
- Shadowrun 2nd 4/5
- Shadowrun Companion 5/4
- Shadowrun Companion 4/5
Reviews: Shadowrun 3rd
- High Tech and Low Life 5/3
- Threats 2 3/4
- Shadowrun 3rd 3/4
- Shadowrun 3rd 2/4
- Shadowrun 3rd 4/4
- Shadowrun 3rd 5/4
- Game Masters Screen 4/2
- Shadowrun Companion 4/3
- Quick Start Rules 4/2
Reviews: Shadowrun 4th
- Shadowrun 4th 3/3
- Shadowrun 4th 3/2
- Shadowrun 4th 3/3
- Shadowrun 4th 3/4
- Shadowrun 4th 4/4
- Shadowrun 4th 4/4
- Shadowrun 4th 5/5
- Arsenal 4/4
- On The Run 3/3
Earthdawn Links
- Full Inventory
- 3rd Ed Cross Reference
- Studio2Publishing.Com Prices
- Shadowrun Books Includes cover art and additional notes
- Shadowrun Miniatures
- Shadowrun Cards includes Denver Boxed Set cards
Big Knobi Klub
Miscellaneous Stuff
Version: 3.1
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Version: 0.22
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It's hard to say that 4th Edition is The Ultimate Shadowrun rules but they do work and that's what I'm running now.