Denver Cards

Company Passes
AG Chemistry
Hochst - Leverkusen - Ludwigshafen
Cryogene tik Laboratory
Safety Release
Test Department For
Experimental Matrix-
sideways Casting Electronically Readably
"Evolution Was Yesterday"
For Biogenous Tables of Incidents
(With Special Permission for Weapon
Delivery to the Protection of Firm Property.)
Release Alpha
Department For Public Work
To be spread the owner of this document of identification is selected information entitled, in the name of Saeder Krupp
Official press releases to be formulated and. for accessed special service archives is a gamma
permission of notes.
sideways If this field colors itself red, they go
please immediately to next safety central!
Release Beta
Central Research Co-ordination
This document of identification entitled to the admission to all laboratories with cler identification y3
and more highly. Entrance to research establishments of the z-classification requires
an additional permission. Insight into reports to gradates 8 is in each
case to be granted.
sideways If this field colors itself red, they go
please immediately to next safety central!
Release Gamma
Internal Audit
On SK-areas for the arrangements carrier of this document of identification is to be carried out
hireless consequence. Offenses are punished in accordance with SK ss117.
All coworkers of the Internal Audit are entitled to the
firearm use.
sideways If this field colors itself red, they go
please immediately to next safety central!
Press Passes