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Hello, and welcome to the The C.L.U.E. Foundation (Clueless Legions Unearthed and Exposed). For this inaugural casefile, and in the spirit of the approaching holiday season, I present this tale of woe. Names have been withheld, but THEY KNOW who they are. Events are actual.


It seemed to be a fairly straightforward job. Bodyguard a young child in response to an anonymous stalker. Yeah…. Right.

During a shopping trip to the mall, at the food court, the PhysAd, notices the child being watched. So, the two PCs decide to capture the watcher to discover the stalker's identity. After a major scuffle in front of Mister Crunchy, the watcher was subdued. Not finding a spot to interrogate the NPC in a busy mall the weekend before Christmas, they decide to "take this show on the road." Literally.

Leaving the child standing alone in the mall food court, the two PCs and their captive proceed to the Jeep they had BORROWED from a very powerful NPC, and proceed to tie the watcher up with cut-up seatbelts. As the two drive down a slow and busy Main Street, the Cat Shaman began to interrogate the NPC, which involved knives. The NPC, believing these two had at least enough clues so that they would not kill him in full view of witnesses, clamed up. The impatient PysAd decided to 'take matters into her own hands'. Twisting in the drivers seat, she reached back and tore out the eyeball of the NPC.

Now picture this in your mind. A busy downtown street. You and the family are driving around the shops.. Christmas music on the radio. And the driver of the Jeep beside you holding up a bloody eyeball, optic nerve and tendons hanging, while the spray of blood from the victim bathes the inside of the window in a lovely and festive shade of crimson.

Meanwhile, the Jeep ramps up onto the Highway, and the interrogation continues. The NPC, now terrified for his life, works loose of the makeshift seatbelt ropes, and scrambles to escape via the side window. The panicking Cat Shaman screams to the PhysAd to "STOP THE CAR". The PhysAd hits the brakes, and the car comes to a screeching halt from about 120 km/hour. The hapless NPC flies through the front windshield, rolls across the hood, and falls to the ground in front of the vehicle. The jeep is then hit from behind by several vehicles in succession, causing the vehicle to push ten feet forward and RUN OVER the NPC. The ensuing traffic pileup involved ten vehicles, many injuries, and two deaths.

The moral of this story is that for your character's sake you should NEVER play Shadowrun while indulging in 'holiday cheer'.

Merry Christmas folks - And be Back At You soon with another twisted, pathetic, but true story.

Karen - karenmr@shadowrun.html.com

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