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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
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To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
|''Player''|''Character''|''Brief Description''|
|Archer|[[El Rey|http://pastebin.com/3PcUnz4d]]|Troll unarmed adept|
|Blaxploitation|[[Kira Mosley|http://murkworks.wikidot.com/wiki:alice-harper]]|Sammy|
|Della|[[Hong|http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Mireya_Hong_Morrison]]|Wizpunk-playing hermetic|
|Heckfy[Ex]|[[Craftsman|http://logs.ur-dnd.ru/Danila_Podgorniy]]|Combat engineer|
|Lazerus|[[Wiggles|http://pastebin.com/7wNGUAhe]]|Militaristic rigger|
|~Marklon_Wahlberg|[[Harvey|http://www.mediafire.com/?et1tsj1zvzs01vb]]|Eagle shifter magician|
|Masaki|[[Enton|http://pastebin.com/1p1T05BM]]|Human-looking dwarf infiltrator|
|Mezriss|[[Andwire|http://logs.ur-dnd.ru/Andwire]]|Augmented assassin and infiltrator|
|Nap|[[Rabbit|http://expedient.wikispaces.com/Rabbit]]|Road wanderer|
|~PhoebosLC|[[PAL 8000|http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4813852/SRAI.txt]]|AI driver|
|Ruler|[[J-ello|http://www.mediafire.com/?e8lxcd9i4n175dp]]|Ork bus driver sammy|
|Spindly|[[Uriel|http://pastebin.com/HEiBZiH9]]|Augmented assassin and sniper|
|warumono|[[Callum O'Malley|http://pastebin.com/beNpJggW]]|Professor adept|
|Yue|[[Ren|http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=276267]]|Technomancer delivery girl|
!Leveling up
Attribute Karma costs are left as they were in 4ECore - new value x3. 
Leveling your skills up or learning no powers takes no in-game time as it is presumed your character practiced when he was off-screen.
!Getting items
If you have a Contact with Connection high enough to get whatever item you want, there is no need to wait or roll checks. A specialized contact can get you equipment of around his Connection x3 in Avail. A Fixer can get the same, but that takes longer and costs more.
If you have no Contacts who'd have whatever you need, you'll have to acquire the item with whatever other means.
Acquiring a Contact in-game costs no Karma, but might cost you money.
Contacts can also buy loot, with Fixers paying around 50%+Loyalty*5%, and specialized contacts - around 10% more.
!Rules for Awakened and Emerged
Threading is a Simple Action.
!!Take 4
Magicians and Technomancers might take 4 on Summoning (Compiling) tests when the creature they're conjuring is of Rating 4 or less. Using that ability deals 1S damage, unresisted. If your conjuring with rolled dice fails more than once, you must use this ability.
!!Adept initiation
Initiation may give 1 Power Point instead of a Metamagic technique to adepts, at their choice. Choosing the Power Point does not raise Magic.
If the object fixed can not be taken apart into discrete parts (say, a vase), you need all parts to be present when the spell is cast. If the target of a spell is a complex object (say, a car), you might first fix separate details with several separate casts, and then install them into the mechanism with Building and Repairing tests. If your pool is outrageous, you might repair the complex mechanism in its entirety.
!Combat and Movement
Any round of combat is broken up into as many initiative phases as the character with the most IPs present has.
Each IP any of the characters who can act on that IP gets actions as normally.
The characters who can not act on the IP in question, still get a Free Action which they can spend for movement only.
Movement rates per IP for all characters equal their movement rates listed in the core book divided by the number of IPs in the turn.
Yes, you can still take Running action on each IP you have available. Yes, that does mean that high-IP characters are able to move further in a single IP.
!!Bursts vs Armor
That may not be obvious from the Core Book, but when determining whether the damage is transformed from P to S by the armor, only initial DV counts, before the modifications for the burst length.
We're using the Scatter ranges from the 4th edition core, not from 4AE.
!!Critter powers
Some of the critter powers, namely the spell-like ones, can be Counterspelled.
''Elemental Attack'' may be of other types besides the ones listed in Core, obviously. In some cases, Impact Armor rating is not halved against such damage.
''Energy Aura'' only deals damage to the attackers in melee.
''Fear'' - each hit on the Willpower + Charisma  test taken after the power's duration lowers the net hits by one.
''Immunity to Normal Weapons'' - includes immunity to any toxins.
''Mist Form'' - grenade explosions count as severe winds.
''Paralyzing Howl'' does not work against the critters of the same species as the one using the power.
''Regeneration'' heals P or S, as per the critter's choice. Trying to argue that the damage to some body parts may not be healed is never a good idea.
''Scent Tracking'' (RW, p.206) may be used with Olfactory Booster and any other way to boost your sense of smell.
The retarded rules from Core do not work. Acceleration is acceleration, Speed is top speed.
Accelerating by Walking Rate requires no test, accelerating by Running Rate requires a Vehicle Test (1). Failing it means the vehicle accelerates by Walking Rate, while glitching means the vehicle crashes.
Slowing down by twice the Running Rate does not call for a test, while an emergency stop calls for a Vehicle Test (1). Failing it means the vehicle crashes. 
Other tricks require tests as per Core.
All speed changes take a Turn to take effect.
!!Martial Maneuvers
''Blind Fighting'' does not work if the character does not perceive the target with any of his senses. 
''Break Weapon'' - is an opposed test unless the defensed is surprised. The attacker rolls a called melee attack with a +1 modifier, the defender chooses any kind of melee defense. If the defender parries, the attacker gets +4 dice to the attack pool. If the attacker rolls at least one nit hit on the test, he modifies his weapon's DV accordingly, and then the rules for destroying barriers are used as normal (the characteristics of a weapon as a barrier are up to GM).
''Clinch'' - this maneuver can be defended against as a usual melee attack.
''Disarm'' - if the character performing the maneuver rolls a single net hit, the weapon falls at the defender's feet. Each additional net hit means the weapon flies off for up to a meter in the duration of the attacker's choice. If at least four net hits are rolled, the attacker may get a hold of the weapon instead, if he has at least a single free hand.
''Finishing Move'' - only a standard melee attack may be a finishing move. The opponent defends as normal (with a -1 to the pool for his previous defense on this IP)
''Riposte'' - only a standard melee attack may be a riposte.
''Set-up'' gives the net hits rolled as hits to the next attack roll, not as dice to the pool.
''Throw'' - Strength + Unarmed Combat Opposed Test is only rolled if the opponent's melee attack does not connect.
The maneuvers which can be initiated as a part of a successful melee defense can only be initiated once per a successful melee defense, and only a single maneuver may be initiated per one defense.
!!Look what's in this pocket Rule
Spending a single point of Edge (regenerates as normal) allows a character to pull a single item of up to 500Y in cost and up to 12 in availability out of his pocket. The item is presumed to have always been there.
!!Drone Movement Mode Equivalence
All drones listed as wheeled or walking, except for humanoids, have similar models which are walkers or wheelers, accordingly. Drone's cost does not change for that.
!!SINs and Licenses
You might take a single Fake License for any R-rated equipment that you possess (we're not playing Keep Your Legal Papers In Order: the Game) per SIN. F-rated equipment calls for the SIN to include a convincing background story not to raise questions from law enforcement.
!!Form-Fitting Body Armour
Uses standard rules for armour staking. Noticing FFBA requires a Perception+Intuition (4) Test.
!!Rifles and machine guns
Anything heavier than an SMG requires two hands to operate. Cyberarm attributes are calculated normally in that case.
!!Underbarrel grenade launchers
Whether they come with the weapon normally or are installed as an upgrade, the underbarrel grenade launchers use Heavy Weapons skill for their attacks.
!!High-Power Rounds
HPR just add +2 to recoil for any shot, compensated as normally.
!!YNT SoftWeave Armor
Costs not 10% but 30% more.
!!Signal Ranges
Any wireless-enabled device may have its Signal Rating lowered with a Standard Action, up to and including turning the wireless completely off.
When changing Signal strength like that, wireless connectivity turns off until the beginning of the next turn, and then the device works as if it had the newly set up Signal Rating.
If a device is hit with a EMP blast, it rolls a Device Rating x2 (3) Test immediately. If it succeeds, nothing happens.
If it fails, the following happens: commlinks,  visual aids, smartgun systems and other complex portable electronics reset (as per standard rules), cyberware turns off for 1 Turn, droids lose ability to move for 1 Turn (flying drones crash immediately), vehicles have their dogbrain disable for 1 turn, RFIDs burn out (similarly to Tag Eraser effect).
Technomants in the EMP blast-affected area roll Willpower x2 (3) if they are connected to Matrix, and if they fail, they disconnect and receive 5S of damage (which is resisted similarly to dumpshock damage).
These characters mostly hang out around the Hole throughout the day, and most often stay over the night.

''Red Greg''
Greg himself is a human male in his late fifties. Judging by his build and habits, he belonged to some merc outfit, corp security detail or some other such violent job in the past (and if his tales are to be believed, to both and more), but he is now retired to run the Watering Hole and do a little fixer biz now and then. He's short, blazingly red, and a deep scar runs across his face from forehead to chin, crossing one of the eyes. Both eyes are replaced with obviously cybernetic implants, which often glow soft orange in the shadow of his bar. He's actually pretty chill and honest in biz, when he's not on one of his novacoke rides.

Aya is a small Asian girl in her late twenties who serves as a kind of waitress and cleaner for the Hole. Her cranium is a mess of ripped wires and smashed electronics, giving birth to rumours that she used to be...rumours differ here from "a bunraku puppet" to "high-class info courier" to "combat drugs and implants test subject". When left alone, Aya is perfectly content staring off into space motionless; she mechanically obeys most commands given to her, and only speaks briefly in reply to those. Greg tolerates her because she does the chores he's too fastidious or lazy to do himself.

''Bergson twins''
Alf and Onso Bergson are teen ork orphans who hang around the Hole most of the days. Being orks, they're bulkier than most grown men even as teens, so they act as Greg's muscle from time to time. Alf's the more active of the two, always full of plans how to become rich and leave Seattle, and notorious for poking his nose where no nose is supposed to be poked, while Onso is the more cautious one.

Klunker is a balding decker in his late 70ies. He's fallen behind times with his cyberdeck, and spends most of his days battling city utilities' hosts and TV encryption whenever he's not drunk on Greg's rotgut and complaining about the youth.

See also [[Greg's Place patrons]].
These characters don't generally stay at Greg's at all times, rather visiting the place from time to time for reasons of their own from doing biz to drinking to socializing.

Stevie's a male human in his early fourties, tall and lanky, his hairline of greasy unkempt hair already receding. He's a small-time pimp, and insists on being called Stevie Wonder; however, since the only wondrous thing he's able to do is finding you some exotic joygirl, he's being called Sleazy Steve or just Sleaze more. Stevie is not above hooking his girls up on BTLs to control them, and has a small side business selling chips, as well as being a habitual user himself.

''John Doe''
John's a young sammy from a tribe of Sioux pinkskins, which is rather easy to spot in the Hole thanks to his waist-long black hair and a third radar "eye" in the middle of his forehead. 
His life path was quite typical for a rebellious male amerindian teen gone to the white man's cities, until one day he decided he had enough juice to have a commlink installed in his head. He hasn't been the same ever since, dancing a constant seizure-resembling dance to the music only he hears. Rumour is the streetdoc cut more than he had to when installing that commlink, but Klunker claims he's hacked into the guy's commlink when he was sleeping and John just has Five Greatest Dubstep Hits on repeat at all times. How that debunks the previous theory is anyone's guess, but despite his dancing and preference for communication over text, John is a competent young sammy quickly earning a name for himself. Runners who's worked with him claim he even understands the meaning of stealth, but how is that possible with his dancing is anyone's guess, and they aren't talking.

''Lil' Tom''
Lil' Tom's a delivery driver for Elephantine Furniture shop. He owns his delivery van, and spends the time between deliveries tinkering either with it or with the broken drones his swarm of younger half-brothers brings brings him. When he has money left after paying his own and his mom's rent, he patronizes Greg's Place for its teeth-kicking drinks, and sometimes builds up enough courage to taxi a runner or two around on his van, when the nuyen's good.

Rumours are Toad used to be a wagemage for one of the japanocorps before the Year of the Comet. SURGE got him good, though, and with his raptor-like beak, scale-covered skin and a meter-long tail he wasn't able to hide that. So now he works for some of the organized crime outfits, and mostly comes to the Hole to spend time with one of Sleaze's joygirls. Sometimes he joins Greg's runner troupes for a run, but nobody has been able to find any system to when he does so.
Red Greg is an man in his sixties who run's Greg's Watering Hole in the Redmond Barrens. It's a runner club/crashpad/neutral meeting ground without a sign taking up a multi-store apartment building in the Z-Zone ruined by a quake and never reclaimed.
Any runner who runs his errands once or twice in a month gets Greg's hospitality (and Greg tends to pay less for runs because of that than other fixers in the area), as per the following lifestyle description. 

There's a small mountain of mattresses and old clothes in the basement, and Greg lets people he likes sleep there. It doesn't smell nice, and there are warmer places in the world, but it sure beats sleeping out in the street.
There are rooms upstairs which Greg rents out, each furnished with a folding table, six folding chairs, and two beds which have to be rolled up to the walls when the table is not folded.
The rooms above those are stuffed with either comfier beds or solid plastic tables with white noise generators, and those Greg rents out by the hour.

A single large trideo projector works over Greg's bar counter, but unless there's someone to hack the encryption on subscription-only channels, it mostly shows corp ads.
When enough people are willing, Greg throws a disco party, blasting sound from the speakers behind the counter as well as over the 'trix.

Greg feeds the people hanging around his place, but only the base soy paste and rotgut are free, and their taste and smell raise questions as to what exactly of Greg's holes the establishment is named after.
Water and electricity come from an illegal tap, and it takes a bit of hacking monthly to keep the utilities from breathing down Greg's neck.

Greg's Hole is in the Z-Zone of the Redmond Barrens.

The runners and others hanging around the establishment provide a measure of security, at least against casual threats.

Other considerations:
''Crash Pad'' - Greg's Hole is a crash pad for all kinds of folks by its very nature.
''Escape Tunnel'' - it's possible to escape the establishment through basement passages.
''Roommates'' - see [[Greg's Place denizens]] and [[Greg's Place patrons]] for details.
''Security Conscious'' - despite being made of cheap scratchable plastic, the tables and booths of the establishment are surprisingly sturdy, as if chosen specifically for it to be possible to take cover behind them in a firefight. The counter is even more so.
''Worse Neighbors'' - this is Redmond Barrens, after all. All kinds of weird shit are all around.
''It's a miracle...''
GM: Ruler
Session 1: [[IC|http://pastebin.com/0QzTAu0B]]

''Super Ethical Reality Climax'' 
GM: ~Aun_Shi
Session 1: [[IC|http://pastebin.com/38B4JhfW]], [[OOC|http://pastebin.com/F5pX2Y8z]]

''Sleeper Session''
GM: Nap
Session 1: [[IC|http://pastebin.com/DSjis6u5]], [[OOC|http://pastebin.com/pfVxTQxp]]
''Setting'': standard Shadowrun Seattle after techno craze of Emergence and before the governmental elections of Seattle 2072. Lone Star has not been replaced with Knight Errant.

''Chargen'': standard, with a single exception: all the characters get an option to receive a free lifestyle called Red Greg's Crashpad described below.
Any weapon mods are available, but the ones requiring a facility to apply also require an explanation in the character's background. 
If you take Incompetence that makes no difference for your archetype or a ridiculous Allergy, you better be prepared for consequences.
Whatever contacts you take are NPCs in their own right and should get a couple of lines in description.

''Background'': okay, here's how we're doing it: the characters live or just hang out frequently at Red Greg's Place. As soon as a job opportunity arises, whatever runners present go for it - that is, once a GM and several players from the roster are all present and willing to play, a short can be run. That allows each player to have more than a single character, and the campaign as a whole to have more than one GM. 
However, that also put certain limitations on character concepts - that is, we're only talking runners with a reason to hang around the Hole some or most of the time, and willing to grab the runs handed out there.

''Books allowed'': all. The stuff from the new books (Runner's Black Book, War!, and such) is subject to GM approvement.

Fat Cheese Series