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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
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To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
AAAs are the corporations present in each of the megalopoli, and have the most power in the world. 
Being an AAA pretty much means having your fingers in all pies, so each of the corps produces most, if not all, types of the goods and devices known, as well as power and machine components needed to produce it. However, there are still specializations, mostly due to the corps’ histories. 
''Unipower'' is the corporation controlling most of the world’s power sources. Nuclear and hydro power plants throughout the world are at its possession, and electricity is one of its main profit sources.
''Terragrid'' is the AAA in charge of data transmission lines, with its transcontinental underwater cabling vast and backed up by a large satellite group. This makes Terragrid the leading corp in space, closely followed by Omniweapons and Unipower, its lead recently proved by the first space elevator project it now lends to Unipower for power transmission from their solar power gathering satellite group.
''Omniweapons'' is the AAA which started out as a conglomerate of the world’s weaponry manufacturers. Large part of the world’s weapons, from handguns to battleships, bears its mark.
''Universal Electronic Devices'' (UED) has its efforts centered on, in accordance with the name, electronic devices, being one of the oldest supercorps around, originating back in the second decade of the century after Intel, AMD, NVIDIA and VIA merged. 
''Chemtech'' is the last, but not the least of the grand five, controlling a large share of medicine market as well as producing more industrial chemicals than any other corp. Chemtech is also UED’s first rival on the implant market.
Most of the things you’d see in the barrens are megalopolis-owned. Ones not lucky enough to be employed are assigned state housing, and are expected to pay for it using the unemployment social support, which is typically barely enough for that. Failing to pay for more than a single month is considered to be a proof of death, and means id termination and housing reassignment. Failing to arrive for support allocation is identical for that matter, except that the lines for the money are heavily scanned with MAD, cyberware scanners, olfactory boosters and so on. What is gained from the housing rent is supposed to be spent hiring law-enforcement corporate contractors, as well as other social services. 

Housing conditions aren’t too high: barrens are composed of relatively low-rise buildings of around 20 stores, with electricity peak power consumption being extremely limited, rationed cold running water, and hot running water only in the tap between 11 pm and 7 am.

Many of the barrens areas include the ruins of the tech disasters of the past, which are there since sometimes it’s cheaper to leave as is and build a new factory or plant rather than restore the ruined one. Baltics-4 of [[Megalopolis Europe]] barrens area has a ruined nuclear station, built a good hundred years ago, then shut down in the beginning of the new millennium and having suffered a catastrophic leak in the thirties, when Nucleum, [[Unipower’s|AAA corps]] market contestant corp, tried to restore the operations. Details of the leak are shady at best, but even the area around the plant itself is believed to be safe now that almost half a century has passed. The contamination zone as well as the plant itself now serves as shelter for a large squatter community, mostly living in tents and makeshift houses made of rabble.

Another large deserted area is the ruins of the explosives plant, which suffered a catastrophic explosion back in 2067. Not only did the explosion ruin the plant itself and the housing for a good dozen kilometers around, but it also contaminated the surrounding area with extremely poisonous and corrosive components, creating a toxic swamp around its former location. Things have gotten better in 15 years, but not that much, and the area is still deadly poisonous wilderness.
Cyberpunk-themed Shadowrun street-level game.
 Citizenship is determined by the place of origin as much as by the social standing. Corporate wage-slaves, starting with the middle class, typically reside in the corporate enclaves or kilometer-high spires of the central offices, where the only power is that of the corp itself. These members of the society are corporate citizens, as opposed to the lower ranks of the corp hierarchy: small-time clerks, blue collars and factory workers, who are citizens of whatever country they happen to reside in. The denizens of the barrens are either citizens of their countries of origin or not citizens of anything at all.

[<img[Corp enclave from bird's eye|Illustrations\1243830149257_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\1243830149257.jpg]] Corporate citizenship comes with severe benefits, most obvious of which are the ability to enter the enclaves, most clubs and entertainment spots worth anything, order restricted goods (such as real food) and own private transport without a special license. High-ranking corpers even have a right to travel between the megapolises or go on a highly-secured resort once in a while.

[<img[NSD looks like this|Illustrations\city_detail_by_FLOWERZZXU_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\city_detail_by_FLOWERZZXU.jpg]]
National country citizens are essentially second-class; they are not let into the enclaves, have questions asked on the country borders, are expected to use public transportation and must possess a license for anything restricted like civil weapons or private vehicles. National country citizens are the only ones who get to vote for the new government.

[<img[Barrens are kind like this|Illustrations\Cold_Detroit_by_SC4V3NG3R_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Cold_Detroit_by_SC4V3NG3R.jpg]] [>img[Or this|Illustrations\Dark_Alley_by_Hideyoshi_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Dark_Alley_by_Hideyoshi.jpg]]The inhabitants of the barrens still have personal ids, buts those are blank ones, devoid of any citizenship and only containing personal data and biometrics (including DNA samples, fingerprints, retinal scans and voice patterns). Since the law-enforcement control is not really too strict in the barrens, it is quite possible to evade getting a personal id at all, unless you are born in the hospital. Getting a national citizenship requires either signing a long-term corp job contract or having a certain amount of wealth.

[<img[Border ID check|Illustrations\Checkpoint_by_OmeN2501_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Checkpoint_by_OmeN2501.jpg]] One is expected to always have his id badge within reach, and must show it whenever demanded to. Corporate citizen id badges have a built-in wireless module broadcasting the id details continuously.

Citizenship changes along with social standing, so being raised often means losing national state one and gaining corp one; on the other hand, losing the job essentially means losing citizenship and most of your civil rights along with it.

Children under 16 years have the same citizenship as their parents (if they have different ones, only one of the parents has parental rights, and the child gets his citizenship).

[>img[Megalopolis Asia and its NSDs|Illustrations\STREETS_OF_JAPAN_by_Hideyoshi_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\STREETS_OF_JAPAN_by_Hideyoshi.jpg]][<img[Megalopolis Asia and its NSDs|Illustrations\Top_of_Their_World___colored_by_MeganeRid_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Top_of_Their_World___colored_by_MeganeRid.jpg]]
Immigration between magapoli is typically not possible, requiring either an [[AAA-corp|AAA corps]] citizenship or a long multi-step migration, first to one’s own megalopolis’s agricultural regions, then to the regions of the other city, and yet then to the other megalopolis itself. This is rarely possible through one’s lifetime, especially minding the living conditions of the agricultural regions. Another problem is the language barrier: while Megalopolis Europe and Megalopolis America use English as their official language (however different it may have grown through the years in the two), Megalopolis Asia uses ancient Chinese.
Each of the corporations essentially has a small military force at its disposal. As any military, those forces are divided between ordinary linear units, heavy support, air support and elites; however, focus on each group and technologies prevalent in each differ from corp to corp.

''AAA Corps''

[<img[Unipower grunt|Illustrations\Fatbull_by_slipgatecentral_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Fatbull_by_slipgatecentral.jpg]] ''Unipower'' mostly focuses on sturdy infantry capable of protecting locations, riot counteraction, and has strong snipers and artillery to provide support. Heavy armor is not uncommon among its enforcers ranks.

[>img[Terragrid spec-ops at its best|Illustrations\Breaking_glass_by_flyingdebris_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Breaking_glass_by_flyingdebris.jpg]] ''Terragrid'' has continuous lines to control, so its primary area of expertise are precise strike spec-op teams backed up by helicopters (including the ones to deliver them) and automated patrol droids. It is also rumored to have a unit trained specifically for tunnel-fighting, unsurprisingly named 'Terrats'.

[<img[Omniweapons is not really delicate|Illustrations\1244014888409_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\1244014888409.jpg]]''Omniweapons'' has the best-supplied troops at its disposal, the newest toys produced by the corp going directly to them. Its armour and fleet are top-class, with fast-attack biker and IFV-mounted teams close by. Omniweapons employs custom heavily armored and armed droids for high-treat situations, and their spec-ops teams are known to pack as much firepower as their heavy military-grade can move.

[>img[UED soldier|Illustrations\Merc_by_slipgatecentral_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Merc_by_slipgatecentral.jpg]] ''UED'' has electronic warfare as its primary focus. Its spec-op teams are heavily cybered and supported by some of the best hackers the metropolises can provide. Unlike other corps, UED's teams are discrete, unified by regimental and not specialization principle. They are thus less specialized as teams and more specialized as individuals, lacking the usual goon backbone, replacing it with heavily cybered and highly mobile light-armored troops. This gives UED a relatively small, but highly effective force, its white uniforms widely recognized and respected.

[<img[Chemtech droid|Illustrations\Terminator_hunter_killer_mech_by_flyingdebris_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Terminator_hunter_killer_mech_by_flyingdebris.jpg]] ''Chemtech'''s force mostly uses droids, only employing humans as distant controllers. This can easily be explained, minding how much Chemtech enjoys using chemicals for combat purposes, from tear and paralyzing gases deployed before the attack to squirt guns with paralyzing and poisoning compounds employed for droid arming.

''Local Corps''
[>img[Eurosoft in combat|Illustrations\Spec_Ops_by_flyingdebris_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Spec_Ops_by_flyingdebris.jpg]]''Eurosoft'' mostly uses droids for its military, including the largest number of humanoid cyborgs among the corps. They are also supplied with the best autosofts the corp can provide and backed up by a large number of hackers with the newest combat software.

[<img[NA pilot|Illustrations\Exoskeleton_by_slipgatecentral_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Exoskeleton_by_slipgatecentral.jpg]] ''North Alliance'' relies on vehicular advantage it has. Its infantry with its black military-grade armor is mostly used to direct heavy aviation and artillery strikes this corps can deliver. NA also takes pride in its highly trained 'Ghost' regiment with their custom ultra-silent chameleon-cloaked copters and ruthenium-coated armor suits and vehicles. Those silenced-weaponry wielding B&E specialists are rumored to be the corp's number one tool for hostile takeovers, using blackmailing and hostage taking.

[>img[Your garden variety cop|Illustrations\Game_over_by_AndreeWallin_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Game_over_by_AndreeWallin.jpg]]''Construction Technologies'' is the [[law enforcement|Law enforcement]] provider, so the info on its forces can be found there. CT also has a number of spec-op units it only uses for non-law-enforcement task, and is capable of providing decent heavy vehicular support for them.

[<img[Yes, they have those|Illustrations\Enhanced_t_rex_by_AndreeWallin_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Enhanced_t_rex_by_AndreeWallin.jpg]] ''Nature Products'', lacking the technological capabilities its rivals possess, heavily rely on the genetically engineered super-soldiers and critters to support them. NP is known to employ clone and appearance-changing assassins and spies in its black operations.
[<img[Corp soldier|Illustrations\f52b409b3f57a77938baf682072152aa_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\f52b409b3f57a77938baf682072152aa.jpg]] [>img[Corp soldier|Illustrations\Fearless_by_Rahll_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Fearless_by_Rahll.jpg]] Putting the matter short, corporation politics can be summed up with three words: “war for profit”. Corps are willing to do anything without hesitation to outperform their peers. Hostile subsidiary takeovers, damping wars, lab sabotage, personnel assassinations are all common. That can often take a form of open warfare, especially when dividing agricultural regions lying between megalopolises. Heavy weapons are only used against the ones guaranteed never to retaliate, replaced instead by strike teams and deniable assets. It should be noted that most corps find it more profitable to brainwash their own strike teams until they don’t remember anything but their mission for its duration rather than hire the rabble from the streets.

The reason why the agricultural regions are such a sweet piece to have is the way they are governed: at Corporate Council decision each district of the region is left for a single corp to govern, the corp thus reaping all of the profits it can bring. The two ways to change the ownership layout are Council intrigues resulting in a final simple majority vote to pass the district from one corp to the other, and seizing control of the district militarily, to claim it as the corp’s own de-facto.

[<img[Arabia you say|Illustrations\Iran_Outskirts_by_leinilyu_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Iran_Outskirts_by_leinilyu.jpg]] Since the Corporate Council of any given megalopolis can only assign the agricultural regions belonging to the city, limited-scale wars for them can be fought amongst the megalopoli. The most recent of those are the wars of Megalopolis Europe against Megalopolis Asia for the regions of Asia Minor, Arabia and Siberia, Megalopolis Asia against Megalopolis America for the Southern Pacific region and Western South America, and Megalopolis America against Megalopolis Europe for North-Western Africa and Greenland.

[<img[Don't you think?|Illustrations\Tacterrian_Sniper_by_McGibs_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Tacterrian_Sniper_by_McGibs.jpg]][<img[War is hell|Illustrations\Tacterrian_Recon_by_McGibs_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Tacterrian_Recon_by_McGibs.jpg]] [>img[Not for the ones prepared|Illustrations\green_face_orange_eyes_by_flyingdebris_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\green_face_orange_eyes_by_flyingdebris.jpg]]
 Those wars are a huge source of barrens material, since drafting a national state district citizen and equipping him with basic armor and an assault rifle is much cheaper than even producing a drone. Although the drafting is done by the national state district governments, the decision is taken by the Corporate Council, which also drafts its own forces from the barrens.

[>img[And not for the ones to start them|Illustrations\helmet_face_by_flyingdebris_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\helmet_face_by_flyingdebris.jpg]] The wars are not only a way to get profitable region exploitation rights, they also serve as means of preventing overpopulation, and a way to get rid of outdated weaponry, too. Drafted soldiers are rarely armed with anything less than 20 years old; with corporate forces providing artillery and air support, and compromising most of up-to-date armoured regiments.

[<img[Demobilized|Illustrations\2_Cover_by_overshadow_concept_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\2_Cover_by_overshadow_concept.jpg]] The soldiers who make it through the slaughter are generously awarded their fallen comrades’ second-hand cyberware implants and assigned a small pension, enough to have a middle lifestyle in the barrens. Since such veterans tend to have maniacal tendencies, they are expected to administer free soothing drug courses throughout their lives.
[[Game rules]]
350 BP.

No metahumans.

No magic whatsoever: no magicians, adepts or technomancers.

Implants have half the listed Essence cost.

A wired connection gives +1 to reaction, matrix perception and initiative.

The [[setting|Setting]] of the game can be accessed here.
[img[Metropolis looks close to this|Illustrations\Metropolis_Part_1_by_AndreeWallin_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Metropolis_Part_1_by_AndreeWallin.jpg]]

There are three megalopolises in the world: Megalopolis Europe, spanning from England to the Urals; Megalopolis Asia, which includes the lands of modern India, China, Japan and South-Eastern Asian countries, its kilometer-spanning arcs supporting habitation zones over the waters of Pacific, and Megalopolis America, covering the modern US and reaching as far as central Mexico on the South and south Canada on the North.

Most of the world besides what is covered by the megalopolises is dedicated to feeding the giant population centers. From the steppes of Mongolia turned grain fields to the hanging gardens of north-western Africa agricultural sector, from sector Amazonia and sector Central Africa fruit gardens to sector Oceania, sector Atlantica and sector India plankton farms, the lands dedicated to farming are diverse, with their industry ruthlessly effective at the expense of their workers’ living conditions.
As well as the most things, medicine is divided into one for corp citizens, one for national state citizens, and the charity for barrens.

Corporate medicine includes high-quality hospitals with a full spectrum of  genetherapy, leonidization, nano, bio and cybertech available, most of it for a cost. High-ranking employees get health benefits, allowing them to get the best of everything available for free or for a reasonable price.

National state medicine is a step lower, its clinics typically crowded, understaffed and noisy. The services are of medium quality, with cybertech, biotech and a bit of nanotech available for the willing. National state clinic patients are the ones supporting the organslegging business, since the cloning procedures are not available for them, and waiting for a legitimate donor organ can take years if not dozens of them. The donors for that black market are typically barrens residents, and are rarely willing.

In the barrens the medical care is in the most primitive state. The people living there count on community hospitals, charity clinics and street docs for their health needs. Obviously, those clinics are a horrific sight to behold, without typically only second-hand implants available, and yet even those for the disabled only. They have no need for stolen organs just since there is no one there able to transplant them. 

Street docs are a bit of an opposite case, and their clinics can vary widely, from lodges of midwives to dens of ex-combat medics, still stinking of chloroform and antiseptic liquids used during amputations, to glass-and-steel styled hospitals with corporate backup, always willing to test a new dangerous prototype on a living recipient. 
Law enforcement level largely depends on the zone of the megalopolis you are currently in.

[<img[You don't want to meet a SWAT team|Illustrations\c05d4f6c2c21b09a_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\c05d4f6c2c21b09a.jpg]] [>img[Undercover cops are still cops|Illustrations\F_E_A_R_character_1_by_artbycarlos_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\F_E_A_R_character_1_by_artbycarlos.jpg]] In the barrens, police corporation subcontractors use patrol drones (mostly flying ones) to keep an eye on what’s happening where. The first response to any illegal activity would be a pack of remotely-controlled patrol drones with stun weapons as their primary choice, but any escalation of the conflict means actual combat weapons used almost immediately. The police answer the calls from the population by sending drones, as well. It’s only in the direst of circumstances when an actual strike team is dispatched – a gang war, a large drug dealer den uncovered, or a dangerous hacker tracked. Undercover officers serve as a backup to the patrolling drones at gathering the intelligence.

[<img[Lightly armored|Illustrations\F_E_A_R_character_4_by_artbycarlos_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\F_E_A_R_character_4_by_artbycarlos.jpg]] [>img[Heavily armored|Illustrations\F_E_A_R_character_3_by_artbycarlos_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\F_E_A_R_character_3_by_artbycarlos.jpg]] National state districts are policed in a mostly similar manner, except there are car patrols and officers patrolling on foot, and drones take severely less time to arrive.

Law enforcement in the corporate enclaves and factories is handled by [[corp security|Corp enforcers]]. In addition to drone patrols and 24/7 aerial recon overwatch, numerous automatic security stations scan their surroundings with visual, IR and thermographic sensors, looking for bypassers without a corp id or whose id does not permit access to the guarded area. All spottings are recorded, resulting in a complete log of movement for each and every corp id on the territory. Emergencies in the enclaves are handled by the quick response corp teams, who roughly equal police SWAT in terms of equipment and training; more serious issues can call for an actual strike team dispatched.

[<img[Uniform differs|Illustrations\Point_by_lhs_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Point_by_lhs.jpg]] [>img[Cops stay the same|Illustrations\Advance_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Advance.jpg]]  Corp labs and central offices have a security  even stricter, with spiders monitoring the building 24/7, or even manned security stations every dozen of meters in addition to what they have in the enclaves.
[[Game rules]]
Media in the megalopolises is mostly [[corporate-owned|Corp politics]], with small private companies filling some of the more specific niches large corp conglomerates leave uncovered. Papers and radio stations have long since faded into oblivion, with trid-vision and matrix feeds ruling the market. Simsense sees growing usage as well, fighting trid videos for home video market. [[BTL chips|Underworld]] serve as both the reason for quite a number of simdeck purchases, since they can be easily outfitted for their usage, and lack of governmental support for the switch.

 It’s worth notice that while corp news are entirely optimistic, if not always entirely true, small companies are much less picky at that matter, some of them outright specializing on shipping criminal chronicle with as much gore and suffering as possible, “uncovered corporate crimes” and techno disaster footage to the relative well-being of the [[national state districts|Citizenship]]. Actually, since only corp media of the specific corp is allowed to be watched in any given enclave, national state districts are the main consumers of the media in the megalopolises as a whole. While barrens denizens are grizzled and jaded, national state district citizens are much more optimistic, especially the ones not of the industrial zones and not newly freshly from the barrens. That’s why some of the “shock video” providers make a hefty buck on showing them the reality of both the enclaves and the barrens.
[<img[Walking around with a katana will get you killed. FAST.|Illustrations\RPG_Manual_Cover_Art_by_Hideyoshi_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\RPG_Manual_Cover_Art_by_Hideyoshi.jpg]] [>img[ME has huge tracts of land.|Illustrations\city_1_by_Pierrick_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\city_1_by_Pierrick.jpg]] Megalopolis Europe spans from Ireland on the West to the Urals on the East, from Italy and the Caucasus on the South to Scandinavia on the North. For reasons unclear it is considered to be the most militant of the megapoli, despite the fact that it neither produces any more weaponry than other megapoli nor maintains a larger standing army. 

[<img[ME is gloomy.|Illustrations\Colorless_by_asuka111_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Colorless_by_asuka111.jpg]] Corps present in the megalopolis’s Council are the five [[AAAs|AAA corps]], and four local corporations, locals being ''Eurosoft'', specializing in software coding and rumored to be working on sentient AIs; ''North Alliance'' (NA), producing vehicles, from bikes and business jets to heavy combat tanks, bombers and subs; ''Construction Technologies'' (CT), which is the city’s one and only law enforcement an social service contractor; and ''Nature Products'' (NP), which produces most of the city’s food, and controls more agricultural districts than any of the rival corporations.

[>img[Corp enclaves visible.|Illustrations\1251148212725_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\1251148212725.jpg]] 60% of the city area is [[barrens|Barrens]], 30% belongs to [[national state districts|Citizenship]], and 10% is [[corporate property|Corp politics]]. As well as in any other megalopolis, barrens areas are typically separated by national state districts, mostly industrial regions, to prevent a large-scale barrens denizen consolidated uprising, being typically as large as a small modern city and housing around a three million denizens each. 
The real power is consolidated in the hands of corporations, who own the few huge and highly automized production complexes. There are five AAA world-spanning corporations, who have presence in each of the megalopolises, a good dozen of AA corps, maintaining solid influence in their megalopolis of origin, and numerous smaller endeavors, which are mostly in the process of transit between a small-time neighborhood business and a corporate subsidiary, a process not typically taking too long if they are even a bit successful.

Each of the megalopolises is a huge urban conglomerate, spanning over multiple countries; those are in fact purely nominal, resembling modern city districts more than independent political entities, their elected governments acting as representative district administrations.

The political power in the megalopolises is at hands of the Corporate Council, where each of the large corps present in the city has a single vote. The Council governs the city, signs contracts with corporation subsidiaries providing social services, and serves as the primary arena for political intrigue. 
Each of the corporations also has an HQ building with highest-ranking employees residing there in one the megalopolises, supported by a central office in each of the cities and a multitude of corporate enclave habitation zones dispersed all over the urban zone. This corporate-owned housing is not a subject to the local national government authority, and is only ruled by the corp itself – see [[Citizenship]] for details.
The game is set in the barren zone of Megalopolis Europe, one of the few continent-spanning Megalopolises of the world.
Click the links below to get more info on the aspects of the setting.

[[Law enforcement]]
[[Megalopolis Europe]]
[[Corp politics]]
[[AAA corps]]
[[Corp enforcers]]
Cyberpunk Shadowrun street-level game
Since the optimization and automation of production make the industry require less and less human work, the society finds itself split more and more.

[<img[Industrial zone denizen|Illustrations\080006fdcda16444d08ddf50d84129fb_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\080006fdcda16444d08ddf50d84129fb.jpg]] Since it's the corps who do all the building and the producing and the finance management, they have the power, and their employees form the top class, obviously, the higher the position, the higher the standing, with top-level management living in the kilometers-high HQ skyscrapers, and clerks and white collars - in the corporate areas, well-protected and well-secured, forming the middle class. Blue collars are actually working and servicing the factories in the industrial zones, where they reside, forming the lowest ring of corp hierarchy.

Then, there are farming workers - those are folks from what used to be the third world, and well, their living hasn't really gotten any better. The only difference is the tools they are using and the amount of manual labor. The living conditions, wages, working hours, health insurance - it all is as low as ever.

Except now there are also plankton farms, up to a hundred kilometers from land, where the workers spend most of their time either in water, herding fish and protecting the farm from sea predators, or in moist living areas of the farms themselves (most of which used to be oil platforms).

Barrens denizens are the throw-offs of this society, not smart enough to climb the corporate ladder, ill, injured, or just not obedient enough. There's more of them than you'd think: after all, the highly effective production does not need that much workers.
The society of megalopolises is extremely corrupt, with crime being common and brutal.

[[Barrens]] is the most problematic area, naturally. 

[<img[Ganger loev tattoos|Illustrations\_DAY_1__by_p0p5_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\_DAY_1__by_p0p5.jpg]] [>img[Your modest street ganger|Illustrations\street_by_lingy_0_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\street_by_lingy_0.jpg]] Street gangs roam the districts, robbing and injuring everyone encountered, dispensing before forces of law can react or even engaging in firefights with them. It is not uncommon for them to break into houses, as well. Some of the more brave or desperate ones are even known to shoot down patrolling drones to sell the components to the freelance mechanics of the barrens.

[>img[Vehicle theft is still popular|Illustrations\Thief_by_leventep_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Thief_by_leventep.jpg]] Smuggling is a steady business for the barrens areas laying ashore, or just being close to the megalopolis’s border. The sources of contraband goods are mostly rival corps, usually from other megalopolises, drug dealers from the agricultural regions, and underground manufacturers.

[>img[He didn't need that kidney anyway|Illustrations\dream_hacker_by_perzo_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\dream_hacker_by_perzo.jpg]] One of the more profitable businesses a street gang can engage in, however, is organslegging. National state clinics show a steady demand for donor organs, and, though it’s hard to find a healthy one in a barrens denizen, the payment is more than worth the job killing a dozen of them. Organslegging is considered somewhat an elite business by the barrens street gangs, since it requires contacts with the national state folks, and the right to engage in it is closely guarded.

[<img[Drugs for your heart's content|Illustrations\Emancipation_gate_by_Slight_Shift_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Emancipation_gate_by_Slight_Shift.jpg]] The gangs not having enough fortune trading organs happily engage in selling substances that ruin them, namely drugs. Some of the chemical waste produced during some of the industrial operations and dumped into the rivers or just trash dumps, can be used as drugs by the desperate; more elaborate substances are produced by some of the corps as «limited prescription medicines» or made in the agricultural regions. Alcohol is also common, from moonshine distilled in the barrens to elite wines corp types enjoy. Getting a doze is more a question of knowing the right people than actually finding the substance in the district. National state districts show as steady demand for drugs as barrens, and even corp enclaves are quite a profitable market.

 Chemical drugs, however, are seen as somewhat outdated, since BTL chips hit the market a long time ago. They are not too common in the barrens thanks to their high price, but there’s plenty of slotters in the national state districts and corp enclaves. Corporations are rumored to spread psychotropic chips among their employees as well, to ensure loyalty.

[<img[Your corp brothel worker|Illustrations\f8e149746ca6906a_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\f8e149746ca6906a.jpg]] Brothels are even more common than ever, ranging from barrens dens serving junkies for a dollar per hour to elite establishments of the corp enclaves. Most of these are either controlled by gangs or run some shady side business of their own.

[>img[Racing|Illustrations\___Heavens_Drive_by_randis_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\___Heavens_Drive_by_randis.jpg]] The gangs of national state districts are mostly limited by teen thrill-gangs, since obviously being a ganger is not getting you citizenship. Joyriding, robbery and sexual violence are the usual steps for those participating. The real crime of the national state districts is centered on shady entertainment business, allowing the hard-working folk to have their doze of bread and shows. Underground gladiator fights and racing are the most common.

National state districts are also where governmental corruption has reached its peak. Services from fake ids to police raids on the market competitors are available, as well as good old legal actions blackmail.

[<img[Corp strike|Illustrations\Hell_divers_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Hell_divers.jpg]] [>img[Hacker for hire|Illustrations\Download_by_flyingdebris_thumb.jpg][Illustrations\Download_by_flyingdebris.jpg]] Corporate enclaves are the dog-eats-dog zone, where corruption mostly centers on using the power one is entrusted with to promote his clique’s interests. Using the corporate industrial capabilities for a little personal business is also common.

A separate section of the underworld is the mercenary market, where a man lost in games of power can always buy services of a hacker, an ex-military skullbreaker or an ex-corp infiltration specialist from the barrens or the national state districts. The ones who survive are paid well, since survival isn’t at all common.